I was wondering somewhat the same thing, but after reading these posts I'm not sure I get it:depressed:
I am looking at buying the EDGE Epic Regs from Jim, but trying to get this whole service thing figured out beforehand... Today I went to my LDS and talked to the technician regarding servicing EDGE regs. He didn't know what they were and was a little hesitant, but when I told him that you can get the replacement parts kit for them he said he is pretty sure he could do it. They are not an authorized EDGE/HOG dealer will that be an issue? My questions are:
Does that mean that I have to buy the kit and bring it to the shop for installation, or does that mean the shop can get the kit and install the parts for me?
Say that I was getting something fixed that was under warranty, how exactly would that work? Would I pay and then EDGE refunds me? Or do I only have to cover the labor cost if I prove to the technician that the product is under warranty?
And lastly, this is probably a dumb question, but what exactly is the difference between overhauling a reg, servicing one, and inspecting one? It seems like these phrases are often thrown around, and I'm not sure I can distinguish between them...
I am (obviously) a newbie to the sport but this would really help! Thanks in advance