Having the "Exact Same" equipment as your partner

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The comment about the same gear being susceptible to the same failure, I agree, is a rare circumstance and less likely with high quality gear.

Not so much the quality of the gear as the complexity of the gear. At the recreational level it's most unlikely. Here in Brazil, some years back (August 2002), there was a very famous cave diving incident where the rebreathers of both members of a team failed in precisely the same manner (very long & deep dive 150m, site Ceita-Core). Both were very lucky to survive. In part the problem arose because of the angle of the cave - they spent long periods in an attitude not recommended by the rebreather manufacturer. Both divers spent a total of 19 hours in the chamber as part of their recovery.
I have an air integrated computer because I wanted a console instead of a wrist unit because I already wear a dive watch. However my main dive buddy wanted a wrist comp with a wireless transmitter to eliminate a hose. We also differ on BCD, fins (I wear boots and he doesn't). Personal preferences will always differ so dive with what you are most comfortable with.
My regular dive partners and I have damn near identical gears, so that's nice. However, I am a dive slut and I'd dive with anybody as long as they're safety conscious.
I dive pretty close to exclusively with my wife and other than snorkels I don't think we have anything in common. But a reg is a reg, if it works it's fine by me, and I don't care what brand. BC's are a little more variable but they all work the same and have more or less the same features at least the ones you're likely to be touching are.
For me especially since you are starting out get what fits and you like if it's the same great if not, so what you will want something new eventually so may was well try as much gear as possible so you know what you like.

MY GF and I have very few similar items, mainly because we met through diving and I already had my equipment and she had most of hers.

Since we met, I went from BCD to a Wing system (Express Tech) and a year later she did the same except she opted for a different Wg and weight system and she eventually sold her first computer and bought one similar to mine (vyper) when she certified Nitrox. End of similarities.

Drysuit: I use a Fusion drysuit, she elected for a Bare compressed Neoprene for warmth.
Regs: I own and use Sherwood SR1 (single tank), Zeagle FH VI (doubles) and HOGs CW (stages) and she uses a Mares Abyss
Hot climate: I dive a Bare Chicken vest or full lenght 3mm, she will dive an 5mm full length with or without Bare Chicken vest.

While I do a lot of diving with her, I also dive substantially with other folks be it locally or when travelling. Therefore, I do not give this too much importance on the need to have the very same equipment as my diving buddy (ies) as some will dive BCDs, others BP/Wg, some dive singles (ranging from 80 to 133cft) while others will dive doubles (backmount and sidemount).

Most of the folks I know tend to bring extra equipment with them when they go diving as well as some tools and spare parts. I always tend to bring extra regs, mask, save a dive kit, etc when diving locally and a small tool kit and an extra first and second stage assembly when travelling. We also attempt to stagger the VIP on the tanks to ensure that we only have a maximum of two tanks up for inspection or Hydro at a time and in order to retain sufficient tanks to conduct two dives each. I also do the same with the regs. However, this may not be implicable to those who elect to stop diving during the winter months. Therefore, unless something dramatic occurs with a drysuit, we are normally always able to rectify problems that may arise and still conduct the dive as a couple or as part of a group.
There is no problem with having the same gear with the exception of the computers. I have read lots of comments here about the advantages of having the same computer, BUT be aware if you own 2 identical computers and you mix them up between dives you could be in for a world of hurt. I heard about a couple from Germany that were diving in the Whitsundays in Oz that mixed up their Pucks he had been making 3 to 4 dives a day she had been only diving ever other day. You can guess the rest. He was very lucky he was in a country where he was not far from getting expert care in a tank. If he had been in a remote spot in the pacific islands etc. he would been a statistic.
Mark your computers do as not to make such a mistake.
Two years ago my wife and I purchased the same reg set, and similar BCD's although hers is a women's model with some minor differences. We bought the same computers, however hers in in her console, mine is on my wrist. She's a warm water diver, I'll dive anywhere. I've progressed on to different gear, with different configurations. I dive with various people, she only dives with me. Since I'm now in a DM program, I like being aware of various equipment and configurations. She's comfortable learning my new gear. I guess we're a mixed bag, lol.
For husband and wife or buddies it does make sense to start the same.
We did and it worked out just fine.
In all our diving our original set of gear "regs" environmentally sealed have never free flowed.
I have others that have but under certain circumstances all regs will.

Having the same was a big help in the beginning when we were learning and gaining experience.
As time went on we evolved into different dive gear and goals but I still have the original gear kind of cool in way.
Enjoy train well and dive often.
Skill mastery takes time and requires diligence.

Two years ago my wife and I purchased the same reg set, and similar BCD's although hers is a women's model with some minor differences. We bought the same computers, however hers in in her console, mine is on my wrist. She's a warm water diver, I'll dive anywhere. I've progressed on to different gear, with different configurations. I dive with various people, she only dives with me. Since I'm now in a DM program, I like being aware of various equipment and configurations. She's comfortable learning my new gear. I guess we're a mixed bag, lol.


Having read through some but not all of this thread, its pretty clear that couples who start out diving together and pretty much remain at the same level of education ought to use the same gear as its just simpler to compare notes and experiences. It works that way with my wife and I. However, like the above, I've started a DM program too and am doing drysuit stuff and I can see my wife not necessarily following in those foot steps. The fact that you've had (and probably still retain) all the same gear despite a growing somewhat apart as time goes, still makes starting out the same a major plus. And besides, diving with your spouse is all about sharing couples experiences, and if there are no major reasons not to, it just cements the love of the sport, and I dare say, each other. As always, YMMV.

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