Freefloat, the Lillly is the one where you find it in poor viz and hard current, hold onto it as you work around it, then fly over it in the current, right - hugging the rock to your right, but not running into it, with Freighters passing overhead. Am I right on that? :vosk1: Damn! Did you beat the guy who told you it was a newbie dive?

Not quite - but my friends who expressed shock later on were correct in that I wouldn't call it appropriate for newbies. The
Lillie is an upside down schooner precariously seated on a ledge at 50/60' in a stiff current in a narrow channel. Freighters can and do pass near this wreck as they travel the channel. At the time I was also very new to current - I had freedived in current before, but never on scuba. Viz isn't terrific on this wreck, it can vary between 5' and 25' or better, and ambient light levels can vary from near daylight to wanting to have a light in hand. The
Lillie's masts point downward and the mainmast (I think) goes down to about 95'. The ledge the wreck sits on, is a sheer underwater rock face with a bottom in the 170-210' range (popularly advertised as 170', but our fishfinder reported 210'). As well, there is a noticeable downwelling (underwater waterfall) coming off the island so if you're doing the drift portion at a depth of about 70', you can easily get blown by it unless you know to expect it.
No, not a newbie wreck.............. yet I asked the charter op for specifics such as current and depth and got quite 'it's nothing serious" type answers! I suppose the "locals" have all "dived it to death" so it's nothing special for them anymore.
Just like the
Gaskin - a much much milder (tamer) wreck - wide open with blasted holes and missing decking, but its top deck sits at 50' and the bottom is at 70'. Tons of silt, easily stirred, and it sits broadside to a current as well, though nothing like the
Lillie. As it was my second post-cert dive I limited myself to 50' max depth so as not to do a reverse profile - and although the current that day was what I'd now term "slight" or "negligible" it still gave me a little frustration trying to stay on the top deck without getting pushed sideways (there is no current inside the wreck).
If I could meet myself the newbie the day before booking the charter? I wouldn't stop me from doing the
Gaskin, but I'd advise me to get a few more dives in before trying the
Lillie. Especially to log a few dives in mild current before jumping into strong stuff.
I'm not sorry I did those wrecks - but it's definitely a case of Ignorance is Bliss!!