FreeFloat:Nice idea, but doesn't always work.
My very first post-certification dives were the Lillie and Gaskin. The Lillie is certainly not a wreck I'd recommend for a newbie - yet when I specifically asked the charter op if the dive was appropriate for a newbie with no out-of-class dives, they assured me it was! (Other charter ops I spoke to earlier gently informed me that the wrecks they had planned were not for me)
That's what that particular Monterey dive operator tried to tell me, that they have newbies all the time. I wanted specifics, like depth, currents, viz, etc. It was clear to me that she was trying to steer me away from specifics. I simply wasn't comfortable with the answers she was giving me, so that's why I went with someone else who could give me those answers.
I also would have concerns about dive charters that would allow newbies to do those kinds of dives. I've seen advertisements for charters that specifically say they are for advanced divers only.