Happy New Year?

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Philadelphia and Boynton Beach
# of dives
1000 - 2499
I was lucky enough to escape from Philadelphia yesterday in the cold and snow. This morning when I got up, it was 42 degrees in Boynton Beach, nothing a good boat coat couldn't deal with. It was 10 degrees at home with about 8 inches of new snow, brrrrr.

I went out of Boynton Beach on the Loggerhead with Captain Alex and DM Josh. The inlet had some good sized swells but the exit was uneventful. The water was looking pretty green (and brown and yellow), but we tried to be optimistic. We dropped in a mild south current at the north end of Clubhouse. I nearly crashed into the reef when I finally saw the broken finger coral from Hurricane Irma. I knew exactly where the reef ledge was, and even saw it a few times, briefly. I hung out for about 10 minutes and then admitted defeat. I was the last one back on the boat. I'm not sure I was down long enough for my computers to come to equilibrium, they said it was about 71 degrees, felt a little warmer to me. It was a good try, thanks to Alex and Josh. If you don't go look, you won't know what it's like.

I"m going to pass on tomorrow, may try again Sunday or Monday if the seas cooperate, seem to be on the way up. If not, Tuesday and Wednesday may be better, before I have to head back to the frozen arctic.

We saw some beautiful dolphins on the way back to the inlet, a few flying clear of the water, putting on a little show for us to make us happier. I just got back from a gorgeous 10 mile bike ride, stopping at the inlet, and wondering when I'll get back out. Life is good, Happy New Year :)
Finally got out today with Maggie and Adam on Starfish out of Boynton. The inlet was pretty calm. First dive was northern reef, outside with crossover to inside at Castle Ledge and a bit north. Visibility was good, especially outside, about 40 feet, water temp 75 degrees. It rained like stink during the 1st dive and at the surface interval. The second dive was at the extreme north end of the reef, the peninsula with jump to the island. Visibility was down a bit, 20-30 feet, water temp was also down, 73 degrees. All the reef fish were around, a single Loggerhead, no sharks. Seas were up a little on the way in, but not bad.

I was grateful to get in the water, now, hoping to get out again tomorrow :)
your entry is dated Friday...i guess it would be jan. 5 2018....the ocean was rough all weekend.. i went to the Guy Harvey wreck out of Broward on Sunday the 7th of Jan. the diving was great but getting back on the boat may take me a week to recover due to rough seas.... hope the ocean lays down for you during the week.
your entry is dated Friday...i guess it would be jan. 5 2018....the ocean was rough all weekend.. i went to the Guy Harvey wreck out of Broward on Sunday the 7th of Jan. the diving was great but getting back on the boat may take me a week to recover due to rough seas.... hope the ocean lays down for you during the week.
My 1st post was Friday, yes, it was a tough 3 days Saturday through yesterday, nobody going out. Got out of Boynton Beach today, very good dives. Posted that while you were writing your post
My last day in FL this trip. I was lucky enough to get out with Narcosis, West Palm. Finch drove out, Damien drove back. Damien did the 1st dive, Finch did the 2nd, Christine was sweep on both dives. First dive on Breakers 4th Window was phenomenal, Usual reef fish everywhere, many Spotted Morays, lobster for the taking, a huge, huge school of Spadefish at the end/safety stop. Vis was about 40 feet, water temp 75 degrees. Second dive was at Ron's Rock. Usual reef fish, a Loggerhead, Spotted Morays, so many lobster, maybe because nobody has been diving in the last week. Four big lobster in one hole, not a hunter could be found, swam on. Water temp 75, vis a bit less, 30 feet. What a great day, almost no wind, warmer, seas below 3 feet.

I'll be back at the end of the month, hope to do a bit better regarding getting out.

Good diving, Craig
glad you had a moderate trip this time...enjoyed reading your dive log...perhaps better conditions next trip....

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