... And I missed them this year.
But seriously, my family has never practiced any particular religion, but we've always enjoyed the gastrointestinal and retail aspects of most of the Christian Holidays. Any excuse for food and presents.
This year, we had two very good friends to dinner on Saturday, one of whom happens to be Jewish, and loves pork. Go Figure. So we made baked ham with pinapple glaze (which had to be thickened with potato starch, not corn), Sweet Potatoes, Asparagus, Broccoli, Artichokes and a wild mushroom dish. For dessert we made kosher-style cake (I certainly can't claim a kosher kitchen!) served with fresh strawberries soaked in Cointreau and vanilla ice cream.
Our friend explained the "Ham is OK, but flour is not during passover" stand by saying that she eats ham all the time, despite it's being taboo. During passover, wheat flour or anything that "rises" is one of the things she gives up. I guess that makes sense....
The best part of the evening was the Easter Egg Dyeing. Our friend (37 years old, mind you) had NEVER experienced this. It was such fun to introduce this to an adult for the first time!!!
I hope everyone had as much fun as we did!