Happy Easter everyone!

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Chicagoan living in Texas
# of dives
I'm a Fish!
I'm looking forward to spending the day with my two sons, their friend from college, and my husband.
Smoked Beef brisket
Turkey with dressing
Broccoli with cheese sauce
Corn on the cob
From Grand Cayman Tortuga Coconut cake
Homemade Smores Pie

I'm doing the cooking!
What's your plans?

Oh yes, and church of course ..let's not forget what the day is really about!

Sounds great Natasha!

Theresa and I are diving today and over to her parents for dinner tonight. Then tommorow is Church in the morning...there is going to be a Sunrise baptism service on the beach...46 degree water...Yikes...I offered one of the pastors my drysuit.

Tommorow if todays dive goes well we will hit the water for another dive and then make dinner for my parents.

Have a great Easter.
The menu is a fresh Polish ham. Kielbasha and everything under the sun. My wife is cooking.

4 adult children. 2 daughter-in laws. 3 grand kids. Grandma, age 95,"if it's nice"
And of course the dog sneaking in under the table.

The weather is suppose to be perfect here in Vermont. Happy Easter, everybody.
Today will be a family get together, but dinner is after church. My sister is meeting us at church, then we're off to Mom & Dads house on the lake. Dinner is Ham (not my fav.) , greenbean casrole (my wife is preparing), salad, rolls, mashed potatoes, and desert. One thing that makes this special is my brother is visiting fom Ft. Wayne, I only see him about twice a year. On the down side my son is away at college (Uof M), and our other son and daughter-inlaw will be visiting with her family.
Happy Easter to all.
Trying a new tradition this year, Easter Sushi. Inviting the whole block over to watch the Hockey game (Go Canucks!!) and eat some sushi and tip a few. I think it's the west coast thing...

it's just the two of us, but to begin, there will be brie and strawberries, then dinner will be roast turkey breast, garlic mashed potatoes, and braised baby bok choy. Dessert is a strawberry rhubarb pie - I can't believe I found it at the supermarket!

Happy Easter to all!
Glad you had a great one, Natasha. I, too, had a great one as well. The whole weekend was a great one, especially since it was a three day weekend! :) Thanks, Chad. :wink:
There is an Easter Bunny. :tease:

Easter is the Christian Passover, with Jesus being the lamb that was sacrificed to save the world. Unlike the lambs of the Passover though, our saviour lives. You don't have to wait for Easter to celebrate that.

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