Hangair Review
I could get the package right before T-Giving as planned and had a chance to run this toy over holiday.
The box clearly shows that this is “UK” product. Now, the hangair has UK sticker on the upper front.
The wide shoulder construction seems to be big enough to hold the suit, but it is a little bit bulky to put it on the dry suit. Technically, this toy can’t but be a fat/bulky design to mount a large fan (about 5 inch) inside and secures enough space to blow an air from the top to the bottom. However, the shoulder construction isn’t a long enough to hold the sleeves like the Ultimate Hanger (picture in my previoue post) so that the sleeve falls down. The fan blows more than enough air to dry out the sleeves first. However, this falling sleeve design is also a big air leaking point later (mentioned below). It is definitely bulky for an air traveler.
There are two power modes, Hi and LO, on the fan. On “HI” mode, it pushes a strong air blow to dry out the upper part immediately and I can see a few water drops through each sleeve (impressed) after a few min running. The continuous air blows inflates the upper part of the suit like an air balloon, but an air doesn’t reach to the bottom of the dry boot. There is a lot of air flows/losses through the wrist seal, so I block both wrists to see if more air can reach to the bottom, but there is no change that much. That is, it takes a long time to dry out your boot area completely. I run four hrs, but the boot area isn’t completely dried out.
The fan on “HI” mode makes much more noise than your desktop computer’s one. The “LO” mode will be a big help if you need to sleep with at the motel room.
The air should flow through the neck seal, but the neck seal doesn’t guarantee a clear air inlet due to the overall size. My neck size is 16”, but the seal almost covers half of the air inlet (However, it doesn’t cause any noise issue).
Verdict: On the dry suit (trilaminate) application, this Hangair is NOT more effective than merely pulling the suit inside out. However, it might be different story on other dry suit materials (notoriously long dry out time), cordura and crushed neoprene, and wet suit. My review is only limited in a trilaminated dry suit.
If you easily get to be pesky (simply lazy), it will be another good toy at $33 price range with UK lifetime warranty. But, IMHO it isn’t worth for $45 that I paid for.