10* is also very wide for a cave primary and I would recommend staying around 6-8 if you can.
The only light that is somewhat close is the Dive Rite HP50 which is handheld, 10* beam, and they claim 3500 lumen but it only burns for about 90mins on high and it's not a constant 3500 lumen.
I have an HP 50 myself. I have a love/hate relationship with it. It certainly lights up the cave around you, but that makes it difficult to see your buddies spot. It also means that you can’t see more than about 50 feet down the cave, whereas narrower spots can look much farther.
I just did a bunch of diving with other divers, and paid attention to what lights they had and how they looked. I am seriously considering breaking down and asking Dive Rite how much it would cost to buy an EX35 head for my expedition canister. I think I would, on balance, prefer something with more spot than the HP 50.
And that is one of those things that you will only determine after using it for a while. The first couple of dives are amazing: everything around you is lit up beautifully! But a couple of times of wondering where your body is because your light washes out everything, or not being able to see to the end of the tunnel, or what’s going on in a room next to you… And you might wish for a tighter spot.
As for 3500 lm: I have actually turned my light down to medium more than once, just so I could better stay in touch with people behind me. Like others have said: your eye adjusts, and our eyes are nonlinear anyway. 3500 lm is not almost twice as bright perceptually as 2000 lm anyway. In other words, sacrificing your handheld just to get the extra 1500 lm might not be a smart trade-off.
Now, I personally will take the canister, because of its long life. It’s amazing how fast you start doing 2 hour dives. Or, back to back 90 minute dives. And it’s nice to know your light will keep up.
ETA: backscatter is also a problem with the HP50. Even in a relatively clear cave I still end up having to hold the light as far away from me as possible in order to be able to see more clearly. I haven’t personally used a tighter spot light to know if that problem would be reduced or not: it might just be a result of trying to punch multiple thousands of lumens of light through the water within a foot of your eyeball.
i’m just going to have to borrow someone’s EX35 at this point…

should have done that while I was down. Next time…