I'm trying to explain what the law is, not what it could be or what it might be. In United States v. Colgate & Co., 250 U.S. 300 (1919) the Supreme Court ruled that a manufacturer does not engage in concerted action in violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act when it announces a pricing policy unilaterally and refuses to do business with distributors that fail to adhere to the policy.
"The Colgate Doctrine" is one of the seminal points in the history of US anti-trust law, but relying on it is nowhere near as solid ground as many people claim it is, despite other decisions since.
Nine West never went to trial, but among the most important points of that case is not just that they agreed to pay a significant fine, but that
they agreed to drop the policies, in writing, and not re-instate them.
The bottom line is pretty clear on this -
Nine West thought that protecting their retailers from price competition with other retailers
of their identical product would "help their brand."
But they didn't think it would do so strongly enough to fight the issue in court when it was contested, rather, they decided not only to drop the policy but promised not to reinstate it, and to add explicit contractual language making clear that retailers were free to set their own prices wherever they wanted.
This is true even though it would
appear they'd win the case at trial. Nonetheless, they settled with a fine of
millions, which is a hell of a lot more than they would have paid out in inside and outside counsel costs to contest the case, including any appeals.
Obviously, the poker bet on going to trial didn't look so good to Nine West management.
Such an evaluation can come from one of two possible conclusions - either there is a significant risk of loss (and the cost of contesting it is not worth that risk) or the actual benefit of the policy is close enough to nil that it is better to drop it, guilty or not, than contest the case and risk a loss, irrespective of how slight the risk of actually losing.
The parallel with the scuba industry is pretty clear and convincing.
The argument that manufactuers make with these policies is
always that it "helps both the brand and retailers, in that supporting margins leads to better service.[/b]
In fact, a close analog of that exact argument was made by JJ right here in this thread.
That's pretty clearly bunk, but it
is a good-sounding excuse.
A manufacturer is quite free to demand certain service and customer care metrics be met by their dealers. There are no market dynamics that are harmed by doing so; indeed, such demands are
good. They are also transparently verifyable, which is important, in that objective standards benefit everyone - the manufacturer, the dealer and the customer.
The use of an
indirect means of attempting to get to the desired goal, when a clear, verifyable, simple and
direct means exists, is clear evidence that there are additional motives that have nothing to do with promoting a "service" environment, nor with brand value per-se.
Demanding those verifyable metrics does not result in price supports. It
may result in certain levels of pricing, but that's ok - the decision as to exactly how much the market support demanded by the manufacturer costs, per unit, for any dealer is thus
theirs to come up with. Even better, they not only make the determination, they spend their margin
there as required, because instead of "fostering" a particular metric of professionalism and customer service it is simply
demanded as a condition of getting the dealership!
A contractual arrangement with concrete metrics that are verifyable vastly trumps simply handing someone price maintenance. The latter provides no assurance that any of the funds gained will actually end up where the manufacturer wants them to.