Halcyon files for "DIR" Registered Trademark

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USMC Diver once bubbled...
Just one question...

Why are DIR divers obsessed by What If....

Do they have that many incidents beneath water that they have to completly change their way of thinking?

As a matter of fact, there have been. DIR was an outgrowth of massive problems in the WKPP and assorted tech deaths.

I've got a list of over a hundred people who have died technical diving.

Maybe we need to go back to the basics.

If you are so paranoid...don't go diving. You could sit on your couch with a 50 foot hose leading to out doors. Never run out of air...

DIR Response, "What if you air hose has a kink, you need an alternate duck taped to your forehead and 8 alt air tanks around each thigh...?

Actually, it would be a double tank, double regulator system that would give the diver the best chance of surviving equipment problems. If you tried to run your tank getup past someone in GUE, they'd laugh in your face.

Really, accept the risk. It is kind of what makes etreme sports, well, extreme. They have danger. If I wanted to make cave diving completly safe I would rent a Submarine.

DIR Resonse, "What if the sub gets stuck.......

Actually the essense of Hogarthian diving, of which DIR is a subset, is to minimize the amount of equipment used and get as much reliability out of it as possible.

I've got a little bit of experience with rented submarines. I'll stick with Apeks regulators if I'm shallower than 200 feet.

Just curious

DIR sounds like a good idea, but why are the enthusiast such ****'s about it...Geez...this is a recreational sport...not combat!


You apparently know little about DIR other than that you don't like DIR commandos.

Well, I don't like them either, but I don't have to make up weird questions and answers.

You had to manufacture a strawman argument to attempt to make a case. I'm _really_ curious about that.

This was actually calming down before the fiction started.

USMC Diver once bubbled...
Just one question...

Why are DIR divers obsessed by What If....

Just curious

...this is a recreational sport...not combat!


The dives that DIR was created around are technical dives with a hard ceiling (either deco or rock or metal). With the inability to ascend directly to the surface, you MUST play out the what-if's. Also add the increased gas consumption from depth and you have a recipe for things going from bad to worse in a heartbeat. As a Marine, why do you spend so much time drilling and practicing? So that muscle memory and instinct take over when it's "game day". DIR works along the same lines, train until you no longer have to "think" when the problem occurs, you simply know exactly what to do. It is a form of stress reduction and the antitisis to taskloading. I think you'd find the dives some of these guys do to be beyond your wildest dreams for adventure, and they do it in such a way that they maximize their opportunity to come back and do it again next time.
scywin once bubbled...
and wrapping stuff around your neck is, uh, . . . not something I want to adopt.
Oh gawd...

It does not wrap around your neck, it passes behind your neck.

3/4 turn by the most liberal definition of "around."

roakey once bubbled...

Oh gawd...

It does not wrap around your neck, it passes behind your neck.

3/4 turn by the most liberal definition of "around."


Well, in that photo, it looks like the hose passes in front, to the left side, behind, to the right side, and back to the reg in front.

Covers 360 degrees.

That is pretty much the defination of the word "around".
PhotoTJ once bubbled...

Well, in that photo, it looks like the hose passes in front, to the left side, behind, to the right side, and back to the reg in front.

Covers 360 degrees.

That is pretty much the defination of the word "around".

Does that mean you also consider the weightbelt to be around the neck?
With the trademarking of DIR, will the process of DIR be patent? Does that mean that I will need to pay royalties if I Do It Right? But if I don't I will die....whatever shall I do?

Will JJ come collecting evertime I go into the command prompt and I type in DIR a:*.* ? These are very frightening times.

Lest you think I am overreacting, some of you oldtimers will recall that IBM's trademarked 'catch phrase' is THINK. Yes, everytime you THINK you need to send IBM $.0001 in royalties!

Then again, if anyone EVER thought that GUE/DIR was NOT designed to sell Halcyon equipment, then you obviously do not owe IBM any royalties at all.

While I admire and have adopted many of the DIR principles, I will not risk needing to pay royalties and therefore would avoid ever calling my diving DIR. I prefer DIMW or Doing it My Way -- oh wait, now I owe Franky's some $$ and those boys crack knees if you don't pay....woe is me!
Otter once bubbled...
Then again, if anyone EVER thought that GUE/DIR was NOT designed to sell Halcyon equipment, then you obviously do not owe IBM any royalties at all.

I'm not sure if you're joking.. but if you're not, it's the other way around.. :wink:
Don Burke once bubbled...

Does that mean you also consider the weightbelt to be around the neck?

Neck, waist, what's the diff? :D (KIDDING!)

No, Senior, but in the photo that primary hose looks like it's actually in contact with his neck, where it goes around behind his head. I'm not saying it's a noose, but I think I'd find that routing....disquieting. Look's like an entanglement could give you whiplash.
PhotoTJ once bubbled...

Neck, waist, what's the diff? :D (KIDDING!)

No, Senior, but in the photo that primary hose looks like it's actually in contact with his neck, where it goes around behind his head. I'm not saying it's a noose, but I think I'd find that routing....disquieting. Look's like an entanglement could give you whiplash.

You're absolutely making things up. One of the best points of the long hose is that it's not nearly the entaglement hazard a regular hose is. What do you think is more likely to get snagged on something.. the 33" hose making a big loop in the water, or a 7' hose that's flat against your body all the way to your mouth?

The fact is that it really makes a half turn around the back of your head. No matter how fast you were moving, there's no possible way for it to jerk your head in any direction if it were to get snagged. If the back of it does, it'll pull at your left shoulder. If the front of it does, it'll probably rip the reg out of your mouth just like a standard setup.

The other fact is that the long hose is really fantastic. It feels secure having your primary air hose close to your body and under your arm, as opposed to flapping in the breeze. You get a greater range of head movement - in a typical reg setup, turning your head far to the right tends to push the reg out of your mouth. There is none of that with the long hose. Air sharing is easier, retrieving a dropped reg is easier.

I'm talking to a wall, aren't I?
Wow, I cant belive the stuff that goes on here. Why dont you guys put the keyboard down and do some diving, This isnt helping anyone. Dive, however you wanna do it and however you wanna call it.
Who cares what JJ does, is it affecting you or the way you dive, NO. If your threatend by DIR, or just dont think its a great concept then simply ignore it.

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