Had a scare this weekend..

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Tyler, TX
I just thought I would share my lovely weekend..

Well, I was driving out to Lowe's this weekend to pick up some rope and cinder blocks for our christmas tree burial, and guess what?? Leah's truck caught on fire!!! :eek: The ground wire from her amplifier fell out of it's mounting bracket and fell onto the power wire. I was sitting there at a stoplight with my windows down thinkin... man, somebody's car smells like it's burning. Within seconds the cab was filled with smoke. I jumped out, reached behind her seat(extended cab truck), and just grabbed the speaker box and amp and ripped it out as hard as I could, then ran around to the hood where there was even more smoke, and I saw the power wire was so hot the plastic was just bubbling off of the wire. I tried to grab the battery and just rip it out.. but it was mounted down, so my only choice was to grab the melting wire and yank. Here's what my face looked like a second later. :holycow:

But everything is fine. The fire department came out just to make sure everything was ok. When it was all said and done, besides the burnt carpet and back seat, we're gonna have to re-install her stereo, probably replace the back seat padding, and I thought the battery cable was fried, but when I took it out and looked, it seemed to be fine. It could have been a lot worse, so I consider myself lucky.
That could have been serious, sometimes it doesn't take very long for a vehicle to become fully involved. Glad you could save the truck and didn't get hurt.
Its been awhile since I worked on car stereos, but I'm sure they still sell those big fuses to put inline with the power line to an amp. Pick one up and install it at the battery end of the wire and you won't have to go through that again.

Volunteer Firefighter say: Go buy a cheap fire extinguisher for your truck.
It was a self install. It's been in the truck about two years, and I guess that I should have gone back and checked up on things back there every now and then, but it never occurred to me. I've seen those in line fuses that ya'll are talking about, but once again it never occured to me. I just kind of assumed that the built-in fuse on the amplifier would take care of everything. Another lesson learned. :(
Poseidon once bubbled...
I just kind of assumed that the built-in fuse on the amplifier would take care of everything. Another lesson learned. :(

yup, most do. The fuse in the amp protects the amp, nothing more, in your case (and everyone's too) you need to protect the wires' path seperately.

but now you know, and your lesson doesn't sound too expensive.:wink:


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