I am not sure if I am out of line with what I am about to say or not. If I am, pease tell me, but I intend no harm or ill will with this post.
Since Mike at H2O Pros is a member of Scuba Board, maybe it would be a good idea to make sure all your dealings (this goes out to everybody and not just those who have posted here) with them are resolved before posting here. You can discuss issues via PM with him. I just feel that it is only fair that we give them the opportunity to privately correct any issues they may have before announcing to the board that an issue or hiccup arose. And if there are other communication failures that caused this thread, then I guess there are some things that need to be worked out by H2O but this is apparently a reliable method of getting Mike's attention.
If I ever have the opportunity or need to buy from Mike, I would like to enter into that with no preconcieved notion of how it will go until I ask people (on SB most likely) at that specific time if they are reputable. Again, I just feel like spreading dirty laundy is a bad thing and should only be a last resort. Here on SB, we found a reliable way of reaching them when other options fail.
Just my 2 cents worth.
*********** Edit ***********
I just wanted to add that this posting is not at all referring to anyone that has posted anything here. This post has done exactly what it was intended (I believe) and that is to find a secure and reliable way of getting communications to H2O.
Scuba Steve,
I use this forum to help me decide who to do business with, who is good, who is bad, and who is marginal.
I certainly hope members do not stop writing their experiences with any vendor just because they are a Scubaboard sponsor. I would hate to think that I can't trust what I read because they are a sponsor, or not.
Everybody has their own experiences and opinions and I take that into consideration when I read these posts. I do not neccesarily believe or agree with everything I've read, but if a pattern develops after reading comments from different members then I certainly take that into consideration.
The above comments are my opinion for any and all businesses, and are not just limited to H2OPhotopros.
As it turns out I'm having similar problems that others have commented on. I've tried leaving voicemail, email, and PM's and I have a hard time getting a response from H2OPhotopros.
The fact that now I know others are having this problem is enlightening to me, and may be to others also.
When I have been in contact Mike he has apoligized and seems sincere in wanting to correct the problem, but the follow through is lacking.
I know they have recently opened the store in Newport Beach, and now he is also affilated with Scuba Schools of America. Perhaps he is just over extended, but I think he needs to focus on his customers more - my opinion.