Gulf Coast Oil Spill

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Would you then also agree that the ability to dive in any junk with bouyancy as the new fashion be the norm.
I haven't bought much of any new dive gear in 30 years, I guess I am ahead of the times environmentally speaking.
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D**n, but thats just worrying.!

I dont know, but that just dos not look like 5000 barrels a day to me, according to this report - Oil Spill Worse Than Exxon Valdez: Oceanographer

its a lot more and will eclipse the Exxon disaster in a matter of days.

Quote - "The Gulf Coast spill will have eclipsed the Exxon Valdez in terms of total gallons of oil before the weekend is over -- making it the largest oil spill in U.S".......
Oddly enough because the enviromentalist keep fighting it because of noise polution and possible bird strikes. Other groups fight it with a not in my back yard mentality.


That and based on our current electrical needs (and these would be even greater with electric cars) there is not enough RELIABLE wind to produce what we need. No amount of wishing and "hope" is going to change that.

Nuclear is our best option....but good luck with that one.

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