The GM of Secrets/Sunscape has posted in his own words that there will be a pier fee for all guests who wish to be picked up at the pier. However, he keeps emphasizing that this has to be paid by the dive operators so there are no fees to the guest.
It's hilarious how he thinks that by saying that he does't have to take responsibility for his guests being nickel and dimed. Dive shops are not and should not be responsible for absorbing this fee to provide a courtesy service to hotel guests who choose their own fishing, diving, snorkeling operations.
Can you imagine if dive shops assessed extra fees to their divers when it was time for us to do boat maintenance or buy new engines? It's no different. These are costs of doing business and are budgeted for and built into our pricing structure - as should pier maintenance for an all-inclusive hotel on the water!
It's also hilarious that he seems to think he has solve the problem by having bracelets for purpose instead of the 4 page paper vouchers. We (operators) still have to spend half a day to purchase them IF we want to provide service to their guests.
Sorry folks, but it looks like pier pick-ups at Secrets will be limited. Dive shop owners are united in this decision - at least those who participate in our Tour Operators group. Aldora Dave has also stated that this is is decision as well.
I encourage those of you who like to stay at Secrets or Sunscape to write the GM Ulises Guzman at Even if you don't stay there and feel inclined, let him know what a ridiculous and poor business decision this is