OK - latest update on this pathetic attempt to charge for pier usage and the cumbersome and time sucking process. This was my experience and conversation 10 minutes ago!
I need to purchase more passes because I had some divers add some afternoon dives. I had only purchased what I knew I needed through January 31st for bookkeeping purposes - to keep it clean on the books. This is what I have dealt with this morning:
Since they are charging the fee in dollars, but we are required to pay in pesos at the bank for the passes - we have to first CALL the accounting office at Secrets to find out what exchange rate they are going to gouge us with on the day of purchase so that we can pay the correct amount in pesos to the bank. Today, that exchange rate was 19.72 which is less than the local banks are giving us - so these passes effectively cost MORE than $2 now.
But OOPS - seems they are terribly unprepared to provide the very thing they are requiring.
My conversation:
Secrets accounting clerk: "we don't have any more vouchers right now"
Me: Ok, then how will our guests gain pier access?
Secrets: "They cannot access the pier without the passes"
Me: OK , so how do we get the passes if you don't have any to sell? Can the guests pay for them at the hotel?
Secrets: No, because I am the only one responsible for the passes and I don't have time to receive guests to sell them vouchers everyday.
Me: That's convenient for you. So you all are forcing this on YOUR guests, but you don't have the passes to give out nor do you have a back-up solution?
Secrets: Well, just give me a list of your divers for each day and you can pay at the bank, then bring the receipt to the office and I will give you a letter for each day.
Me: Are you serious? And what if one of them gets sick and can't dive, or if they change their days or add more days? This is really a problem. I am not coming down there everyday.
Secrets: It's the only way
Me: OK, but I am sharing this information with the largest online scuba diving communities on the internet and will also post on my personal facebook page, Cozumel for You and on my website. Many operators have already suspended servicing guests at your hotel and we will all be discouraging our divers to stay at your resort. They are on vacation to relax and enjoy themselves and to be able to dive, fish or snorkel with whomever they choose without hassle. The fee is not even the biggest issue, it is the ridiculous procedures. By the way, yesterday, I threw away (shredded) 8 pieces of carbon backed (worthless paper) which were my copies of the vouchers for 4 guests for ONE day - this is incredibly wasteful - I can't even recycle them as scratch paper because you cannot write on the back of them with normal ink. Your policy will invariably cause you to lose guests.
So I am making it official, I will stop servicing Reef Residencias, Secrets and Sunscape until further notice. I will honor those with existing reservations.