Going with my experience in my OTHER wallet depleting activity (dressage), I agree with those who say that most people will stay away from GUE at the entry level -- just because they don't know any better. The majority of those people, after initial training, will stay where they are -- BUT a minority, those who look around and sense "This isn't as good as it could be" will continue to find more demanding education. IF GUE is able to actually produce and market the "AOW" type of class(es), I think those will be a success -- even in "this terrible economy."
I think there will be two keys to success:
a. Broad geographic access (which was a killer for 5th Dx "Essentials") -- there are enough Fundies instructors, and if GUE expands its instructor group for these classes, even better
b. Some marketing (dare I say advertising?) to non-DIR divers -- i.e., the MARKET for the classes -- the recreational diver who wants to truly enhance her skills