I see this mentality all the time with young kids and swimming. "stay out of the deep end" as if the deep end is any more dangerous to a child as the shallow end. When my daughter leaned to swim, the pool was open, deep end or shallow. (actually had to explain that to my wife who was not a water person).
Mandatory decompression is just that, mandatory. 15 min or 30 min, dont matter, same as depth, 120, 130, or 170. Same procedures, same risks, same amount of training. But Rec 3 doesn't let them use the optimum gas, that is "bamboozling".
I can not see the same risks.
A mistake on a dive requiring 15min of deco on nx32 may end up with some troubles.
A mistake on a dive requiring 30min of deco on nx50 may end up with many more troubles.
Different risks -> different skills & different training.
If you want to tech dive, learn to tech dive. If you want to cave dive, learn to cave dive. If you want to Ow dive, learn to ow dive.
If you want to dive at 130ft, learn to dive at 130ft