Day 5 (Thursday) - 3rd and Final Day of Diving
Going into this day was a little daunting, given that it was our final day to shine. We met up at Blue Grotto again and went right to reviewing our previous day's video footage. All in all, we looked markedly better. We stayed together in formation and we communicated on ascents/descents/stops. Our trim and buoyancy looked great. No sculling with our hands and we kept our depth. I couldn't help but be a bit amazed at how fast we retained the skills we practiced. I think the only things we were told to improve upon after seeing the latest videos was whatever propulsion problems we as individuals were having. Mer told me that I needed to improve upon my flutter and mod flutter.
When we hit the water, Mer had us shoot SMBs for the first thing she wanted us to demonstrate. I did it no problem. It felt good being able to task-load while maintaining trim and buoyancy. I bet it looks cool, too, which is all important

. After that, we did some individual steps of the basic 5 to show proficiency and then we just worked on smoothing out the propulsion that we were lacking in. It all went swimmingly.
At the surface, after a small debrief during lunch and then switching tanks, Mer called us over to talk with us individually to tell us where we stood as far as if she thought we were on track to passing. I was first up and I was told that my only weakness was my flutter kick. I agreed and I kinda already knew thats what she was going to mention. I knew I could fix that by my next dive with her. I was told that I was solidly in rec pass territory. Hearing that, I knew that the last dive of fundies was going to be simply a fun dive with little to worry about. I wasn't wrong.
Forgive me if I gloss over the details of this dive day as the details aren't really necessary to the story and are somewhat repetitive. Long story short, we went back to the diver house and debriefed and took notes over our final lecture and were told what to expect of the final exam. I was nervous about it but I was reassured by my teammates that it wasn't anything to worry about. They were right, though the test was a difficult one that requires you to have paid attention in lectures and actually done the worksheets/calculations enough to be proficient.
Day 6 (Friday) - Final Debrief and Results
We woke up, had breakfast and coffee and got ready for Mer to come over to give us the final debrief. We went through our final exam together and tallied our incorrect answers and I don't think any of us got below a 94. With that, I knew that we probably all were getting passes. After some bullshitting and relaxed banter, Mer gave us 5 scripted questions to answer (my answers underneath, by the stars):
1.) What are your strengths? (what do you do that makes a strength "work")
*Awareness, communication, risk mitigation. I make it a point to think first before doing.
2.) What are your weaknesses?
*Needing extra repetition to internalize skills, planning dives, streamlining movement
3. What actions can you take to improve your weaknesses?
*Record video during dives, practice planning more dives
4. Do you consider yourself a GUE Diver?
5. Why or why not?
*I consider both the commitment to the GUE system and the passing of Fundies as qualifying one as a GUE diver.
After writing these answers down, Mer and Max started calling us one by one to the back yard to discuss our results. I was told that I was to receive a rec pass and congratulations. I was elated. Mer and Max went over my responses to the questions and asked what my plans were now that I passed fundies. I told them that I fully intended on upgrading to a Tech Pass after getting the proper gear and getting some solid diving with it. After that, I wanted to do Tech 1. My mind would eventually change on this but at the time I was awash with relief of passing and I was just looking forward to doing more with GUE.
After we all packed and said goodbyes, I headed to EE to settle accounts and get my regs back since I had to rent some Halcyons from them to complete the class. I was told one of my G250s was needing an overhaul and that I shouldn't dive it but all my other regs were just fine. So I splurged and bought a Halcyon Halo. Heh, couldn't help myself. I then thanked Mer and drove home.