I'm out of town so I don't have an abundance of time to respond, but I checked my e-mails and I had about 15 PM's alerting me to this thread, so I think a response is warranted.
Let's be clear about a few things from the get go:
1) I consider AG a friend so I have no interest in anyone trying to divide and conquer;
2) My comments are not meant to bash NAUI, or any other agency for that matter;
That said, I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that AG will teach an awesome class under the NAUI umbrella, but that does NOT transcend into the concept that "JOHN DOE NAUI Scuba Instructor" can take AG's Power Point and teach an equally good "NAUI DIR-F" class. In fact, in reading AG's post(s) it appears that he is using a different Power Point then the rest of the instructor core.
Where NAUI [ or any agency for that matter] will steadfastly fail in a material fashion in this attempt is that fundamentally, they will treat this as just another "specialty" class, and the instructor will more then likely lack the core commitment to the underlying ideology that makes the DIR holostic system it's most effective. You simply can't preach personal preference, multiple gear configuration, sitting on your knees, etc. etc. one day, and then the next day teach a class that provides for rigid adherence to a unified team approach, rigid adherence to a standardized gear configuration, etc.. You either believe in the holostic nature of the DIR system, or you don't. And unless AG plans on mentoring a fresh crop of instructors from the NAUI pool, in my considered view, this effort will fail. AG has spent a considerable amount of time developing a DIR mindset, and that will naturally transcend in his classes, but John Doe from Anytown USA that simply picks up the Power Point presentation and starts offering a "DIR" type class under a different umbrella will have a difficult time providing his student(s) a true DIR class.
I find it somewhat ironic that for the longest time GUE was hearing that the DIR-F class was nothing more then a marketing scheme designed to help Halcyon sell more equipment, and endured the scrutiny mirroring that of the last 2 Supreme Court nominees, but now that NAUI has decided to throw their hat in the ring and copy our training, most appear willing to accept that the class does in fact have significant value and that it should now be mass marketed. The 2, quite frankly, are designed to be mutually exclusive. Mass marketing in the dive industry has historically proven to enure only to the benefit of the card selling agencies, and usually result in watered down training. The GUE instructor process is beyond comparison in the dive industry, and those of us that have endured it, and those of us that currently teach a true DIR-F class are, how should I say this delicatley, quite skeptical of the copy-cat, mass appeal approach.. I suspect the diving consumer should also be leary of the next generation of "DIR-like" training being offered under a competing banner. They either believe in the system, or they don't and I don't see how for 30+ years your entire instructor core can teach personal preferance, all-inclusive, any gear configuration goes and then have one instructor defection from GUE and then all of a sudden present yourself as the GUE alternative and offer the very thing they stood steadfastly against for over 3 decades. It's seems disengenuous to me.
Anyway, I'm on my honeymoon and won't be checking in too often but I'll respond when I get back.