A bit tangential but talking of mexican rigs i would really like to know why the Razor sidemount harness requires its own agency, instructors, standards and certification? I am familiar with the three card trick...
Go Sidemount is a holistic system. You don't need Bogearts or Hartmann to authorize you for teaching the Razor, outside of that specific 'Go Sidemount' system.
I've been teaching the Razor for 8 years or so...along with XDeep, Apeks and numerous other rigs.
UTD is brand neutral.
You can show up with any wing, any tanks, any regs, any hoses, spg's, whatever, and you can choose a different manifold than UTDs one, isolatable or distribution only, and it's fine depending on the requirement for isolation.
Which is a JOKE as the rest of the sidemount community shuns the concept of manifolds... and NO other manufacturer has come close to even thinking about releasing a manifold sidemount.
You need a $1200 UTD sidemount rig to go with your $$$$ UTD Scubapro clone regs and your $$$$ UTD drysuit and your $$$$ UTD fins and mask...
Didn't Andrew buy himself a nice resort on the Mediterranean last year?
UTDs sidemount classes do require some manifold. Apparently, the best one on the market at present seems to be the UTD made one,....
UTD is the
ONLY sidemount manifold on the market. Because...
UTD are the
ONLY people who think it's a good idea.
Again, do you have a financial interest that collides with the Z-system?
Zero. I'm an independent instructor and I teach in a wide variety of rigs. I don't do any retail whatsoever. I have zero financial incentives beyond instructor tuition expenses.
I am passionate about education though... and I hate to see people being flogged a line of BS to defend what, to date, is the least justifiable 'innovation' in sidemount... put together by people with miserly small expertise or reputation in sidemount..and which kit is only ever supported by those who've drunk copious UTD kool aid and/or got vested financial interests in defending the z-system and/or UTD as a whole... .
That said, I happen to dive a different solution. Which happens to be the solution at the heart of this conversation. I'll be happy to talk about that, but we need to elevate the conversation above mud slinging, falsehoods and crying wolf or it won't bring about any benefit to anyone participating.
I've never yet heard a UTD affiliated Z-system owner allow an unbiased and purely rational debate on theat equipment. It always degenerates into fantasy claims, illegitimate statistics and.... well, just burying heads in sand, fingers in their ears... shouting "nah.. nah... nah..." until all the nasty 'haters' go away.
Sucks to be 'that group' sitting by themselves being the butt of everyone else's laughter and dismay..... but that's where UTD seem to be headed nowadays.
Once the kool aid is drank... I've noticed it's near impossible to make these people reconsider the validity of what they've allowed themselves to believe/be told..