GRRR! Let's outlaw fireworks...!!

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To unlicensed citizens that is. They are not legal inside town but people shoot them off, scaring pets, causing fires, and just being rude at late hours.

Great for shows by licensed professionals, but not for juveniles of any age. :mad:
At least here in NJ they are outlawed unless you are a licensed pyrotechnician.

Unfortunately its too easy to run over to the Pennsylvania border, where they are not illegal, just can't be purchased by PA residents. AKA their entire market is NJ residents.

Doesn't stop people from blowing their fingers off. I'm surprised nobody has learned.

For the record, my only gripe against fireworks is that my dog is neurotic for the week after. He's not a fan of explosions.
Meh, it's only 4 days out of the year. Live and let live.
Two weeks. They start the day their sold, here July 1, and continue well beyond the 4th - then repeat in December.

They could shoot them before 10pm, a mile further away outside of city limits, and some do. Some intend to be rude.

A couple of years ago my daughter's family went to watch a July 4 fireworks show, and those are great. When they got home, they had to take one of the dogs in for emergency vet care because of heathens.
To unlicensed citizens that is. They are not legal inside town but people shoot them off, scaring pets, causing fires, and just being rude at late hours.

Great for shows by licensed professionals, but not for juveniles of any age. :mad:

I know people who are afraid of dogs so lets make pets illegal since they are scary. There are already culpable negligence and noise ordinance laws that answer your other concerns. Why don't we just enforce the laws that are already on the books instead of making new ones. We don't need to eliminate more jobs just because you don't like the way that some people irresponsibly use a product.
I think there can be some balance...Selling some "scaled down" fireworks can be a lot of fun for the family at the park away from trees or the beach. In a country that you can buy a gun and ammo if you are an adult, I think selling fireworks to people over 18 cannot be more harmful. Of course you will still have cases for Darwin awards, but those are the people that do stunts too. In some parts of LA they shoot guns instead anyway. At least you can see the fireworks and stay away. The stray bullets nobody knows where they are heading.

I was in Hawaii last Christmas and we purchased a bunch of fireworks at Costco! You could not use them in most areas but nobody bothered us at the beach and had great fun and no harm. Of course I did not hand them over to the kids to handle...just a few precautions no more than if you are lighting up a barbeque and no harm. I do not know why some people overreact with the idea...Stupid people will do stupid things, with fireworks or without.
A couple of years ago my daughter's family went to watch a July 4 fireworks show, and those are great. When they got home, they had to take one of the dogs in for emergency vet care because of heathens.

When we were kids my brother and I were walking on the sidewalk in front of a convenience store when a doberman, that was tied to the pay phone while his owner was in the store, attacked my brother. My brother needed over 30 stitches when it was over. There are countless stories in the news about toddlers being killed or disfigured by dogs. Should we outlaw all domestic animals with the exception of farm animals or hold irresponsible pet owners responsible for damage from their animals?
The problem is that no matter what you "allow", there are always those who will push well beyond any semblance of reasonable, those who are intentionally in your face, and the classic American "f**k you" syndrome, just because they can. Those are the folks who ruin it for everyone else.

Got a guy who lives a street over from me like that. He's been blowing off fireworks now for a week. Starts as soon as it gets dark ... which is about 10 PM here this time of year ... and goes till it's too light out in the morning to see 'em anymore. Nevermind that it's illegal in my neighborhood ... call the cops and they just tell you they don't have the resources to do anything about it. These aren't small fireworks either ... he lives a block away and I can feel the concussions on some of them ... and every year I have to go clean some spent casings off my roof. If this year's like past ones, he'll continue to blow them off for another few days ... then we'll have peace and quiet until about December 20th ... when he begins his New Year's celebration.

All the neighbors hate the dude ... but like honey badger, he don't give a sh!t. He's gonna exercise his "freedom" ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)

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