I was at the isles of shoals yesterday!
We did our first dive at duck island.
There was about 30 seals on the rocks when we pulled up!!
When we started getting our gear ready we noticed all the seals where off the rocks. Heads started popping up all around the boat. I guess they where curious about us

since the other diver was spear fishing we split up at the anchor!
visibility was about 20 feet! As soon as I started lookin around I
noticed a seal swim by about 18 feet away. I headed toward the island. All of a sudden something pulls my fin? I turn around and a very large seal takes off. after that every time I stoped finning
the seal would pull on one of my fins!! A couple of times I would stop and flip on my back the seal came up and would lightly bite on my fin tips. They got some big teeth:grrr:
As the dive progressed he became even more curious of me.
He stayed within touching distance for almost half my dive!
When I surfaced he pulled my fins a couple of times when I was swimming to the boat. When I got to the boat the other diver
had just got in. I said wow these seals are super friendly here!
He says he didn't even see one in the water!
I wish I had my camera with me!!! You guys should see lots of seals on your trip. Im glad the guy who I was going to work for this weekend cancled his vacation!! I would have missed a great diving day!!!
Rick L