Greatest movies of all time

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2001: A Space Odyssey
Lawrence of Arabia
Seven Samurai
Clockwork Orange
Young Frankenstein
Holy Grail

I forgot:
Never Cry Wolf
Das Boat
Blue Water White Death
The new movie "Blood Diamond", looks good.

hey..that wasn't the question..sorry.
Citizen Kane (I can re-watch scenes over and over. Groundbreaking cinematography).

Schindler's List (This watch!... I could have sold this watch! Can anyone see the real families at the end and not be moved?).

Streetcar Named Desire (Brando's acting is so natural that everyone else looks like a hack).

True Grit (Gorgeous scenery. Great characters. Nothing like John Wayne's final ride against Robert Duvall and gang).

Singin' in the Rain (Best musical ever. Runner up, My Fair Lady).

Honorable Mention: Maltese Falcon & A River Runs Through it (two flicks I never get tired of watching. The stuff that dreams are made of...).
Romantic Comedy: The Apartment (Lemmon and MacLaine at their best)

Drama: Exodus (one of the greatest soundtracks in movie history, as well)

Musical: The Sound Of Music (once you've visited Salzburg, Austria, you'll never watch this movie the same way again)

Western: (tie) The Magnificent Seven....The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Before you read the list, know that I am serious. I own them and watch them over and over.

The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

Random Harvest

An Affair to Remember

Captains Courageous

It's a Wonderful Life

Mr Smith Goes to Washington

Sgt York


Sense and Sensibility

The Princess Bride

The Counte of Monte Christo (James Caviezel)

Les Miserables (Liam Neeson)
The new movie "Blood Diamond", looks good.

hey..that wasn't the question..sorry.

I don't know why I have a hard time saying it sometimes, but surprisingly, I find Dicaprio to be a very good in point for me is The Aviator, somewhat of a boring/slow movie, but extremely well acted by Dicaprio.
Friday Night Lights should be on the list, especially the half-time talk during the final game.

I agree with Andy on Kill Bill 1 and 2. The story is pure insanity (e.g. stop the knife fight and offer coffee when the little girl enters the house, the final scene). The cinomatoraphy is beyond brilliant.

No matter how many times I see Princess Bride, Monte Python and the Holly Grail and My Cousin Vinny, I never get tired of them.

I searched high and low for the DVD of A Bridge Too Far and never get tired of it.

Of course Forest Gump and Field of Dreams are alwyas on the list.

The Right Stuff - I get choked up when Yeager first exceeds sound and the watchers on the ground say "there goes another one."
I really like some of the oldies like Citizen Kane and The Maltese Falcon. And for comedy I didn't notice anyone mentioning the Marx Brothers. They made some great films.

But for more modern films I have to go with Godather 1&2. And for sheer hiliarity how about Goooooood Morning Vietnam. Robin Williams was great.
Action; Terminator 2
Comedy; Blazing Saddles, Arthur, Life of Brian, Office Space, Caddyshack, Major Payne
Drama; Dances With Wolves, Amadeus, Courage Under Fire, Million Dollar Baby, A League of Their Own
Romantic Comedy; Wedding Singer, While You Were Sleeping
Intrigue; Enemy of the State, The Fugitive
Adventure; Pirates of the Caribbean
Sports; Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, For Love of the Game, Brian's Song, Cool Runnings
Guilty Pleasure; Dude, Where's My Car? :)
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

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