Greater Tampa Bay Area CHAT/OFF-TOPIC thread, take XVIII

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Just finished 2 weeks worth of work in one night!! Man, vacations are great but when you come back you pay!! And to think I will be gone again from Dec 17- Jan 4 for the birth of my "4th" grandchild.
Just got an email from Jupiter Dive Center.
Happy Holidays from Jupiter Dive Center
Any 2-Tank dive between 12/6 & 12/12 will cost only $35.00
Hi all - I THINK this is the place to post this. I am a newish diver, 10 dives in Okinawa 2 years ago. I am planning a week in N Redington Beach Feb 6-13, 2010 with the sole purpose of diving. Got my own equipment - reg, BCD, mask, snorkel, computer, fins and boots. Would need to rent wetsuit and tanks. I think I prefer boat to shore diving. Suggestions? Should I look somewhere other than N Redington Beach for lodging? Gotta let RCI know if I want to keep my reservation by end of business on 12/4. Thanks!
My daughter and my newborn grandson!


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Who should be contacted to sticky events for this forum and make corrections/ additions to posts?

Any moderator can sticky an event (as long as there's not a million stickies). Maybe in time, we'll select a new leader for this forum if the need arises. :)

A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

Many posts have been deleted that seemed to be part of an escalating Fifth Grade Drama Fest. They either added to the drama or referenced those that did. From our ToS:

Welcome to ScubaBoard: the world's largest community of scuba diving enthusiasts dedicated to sharing the wonders of our underwater world in a fun, safe and friendly environment.

If you can't add to the "fun, safe and friendly environment", then please don't post in here. We are NOT ScubaDramaBoard! We just don't need the drama of people trying to cause yet another melt down. Thanks for your consideration.
OK, here's a meet-n-greet for January!

Thursday, January 14, 2010 6:30 PM until -

At Quaker Steak & Lube
10400 49th St N
Clearwater, FL 33762
(727) 572-9464

It's at the corner of US 19 and 49th St. (one block north on 49th)

See you there!
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