Well Mike the forward section bulk head is now broken down opening into the forward compartment.
I have not investigated it yet but it is on the plan this weekend.
It looks as though the wreck has settled quite a bit from what it was last year.
It is saddening to realize that in a few years it could be a debris field from deterioration.
I guess we have to realize that metal wrecks do not hold up like wooden ones and I wish they did.
My camera was sacrificed to murphy last season so I am without one time being.
I could borrow my wife's camera and housing but she is reluctant due the afore mentioned incident! Er.....ah......accident that is!
The boat this season has been some of the best OW dives I have had yet to date.
You can not substitute being with dive friends and being on Lake Huron visiting wrecks.
It is what diving is about to me.
It is not cave but it is WRECK and summer means wreck season!
Beverages are cold, friends are quick to smile, and dive stories flow like rivers!
Life is good, thanks friends!