blaronn:Great trip reports, tvictory & worlddiver. I'm heading to GC a week from today. First dive since getting OW certification. No idea what I'm getting myself into but definitely looking forward to it (much better than 15' of murky lake water I'm sure!) We're considering 3-4 dive outfits based on recommendations from this forum. All I've spoken to so far have sounded great. Too many questions to ask, but here are a couple... If I'm staying on 7 Mile Beach and I'm a newbie, would it be wise to stick with west-side dive operators and not mess with the east side at all? Should I book ahead or just get there and pick something close to our lodging? (not planning on renting a car) How much of a factor is weather in planning GC dives? (i.e., does it often get too windy/choppy/bad weather in some parts to dive?) Thanks, and great forum!!
The west side is good, just stay on the more northern part. You must do Sting Ray City while there, you could also do the north wall. The East side is along ways from 7 mile beach. Book ahead if possible, some ops have deals when booking ahead. Just find someone not too far from where you are at, most will pick you up. Weather is not a factor usually on GC the ops will take you to the best area (most calm) if (and a BIG if) there was weather. I've never...ever seen a problem with the weather, but of course I've heard of it, aside from their most recent hurricane .
Welcome to the board!

Dive Safe,