Grand Cayman Kittiwake and reef dive

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Hot Springs, Arkansas
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25 - 49
I'm going on a cruise this year with a stop in Grand Cayman. I've signed up for the Kitty Wake wreck dive and reef dive. Has anyone dived it? Worth the shore excursion price? It's my first cruise so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'm going on a cruise this year with a stop in Grand Cayman. I've signed up for the Kitty Wake wreck dive and reef dive. Has anyone dived it? Worth the shore excursion price? It's my first cruise so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Kittiwake is a great dive - definitely worth it!
My personal opinion only:

Kittiwake: dove a couple of years ago. Too new of a wreck for me as it had not been encrusted with coral and not much in the way of any other sea life had found its way there yet. Big spaces for swim throughs but if there are many dive groups doing dive at same time, be careful not to lose your DM. If you like wrecks for the sake of their history and features then you will enjoy it.

Reef: guessing that if this is a two tank dive, you will dive some reef not to far away from the Kittiwake. Have enjoyed every dive I've done along that stretch (7 mile beach.) The water along this stretch is usually pretty calm with good visibility.

Worth the shore excursion price? It's my first cruise so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

There is quite a bit of advice on SB for those on a cruise. From what I've read (I've only stayed on the island so no cruise experience to GC), there are several dive ops that cater to the cruise ships. Having experienced excursion prices from a different cruise, you could probably do better on your own by doing some research. In GC, you will take a tender from your cruise ship to the ship dock where a dive op will meet you.

You should get some suggestions from others here, but do look for other threads on SB that have answers for you.

Enjoy your cruise!
The Kittywake and the accompanying reef dive were the best dives our group did on GC. I'm not a fan of wrecks and didn't enter the wreck - I most definitely don't like overhead restrictions (someone treid to drown me when I was about 16 - but that's another story). THe Kittywake was OK but I loved the reef they took us to. I think it was the Oro Verde. Lots of fish, coral, sponges, and small nurse sharks.

Unfortunately the group I was with only dove from shore in the area of Devil's Grotto and Eden Rock. These areas get hammered by tons of cruise ship divers and are pretty devoid of fish and mostly dead rock. Lot's of posts on SB about those being the worst places to dive GC and that there are really spectacular sites elsewhere.
Unless you are really into wreck diving, I would recommend a standard deep wall/shallow reef 2-tank dive. The Kittiwake is a cool dive (I did it as my AOW wreck dive, and also we did a quick pass-by while doing Wall St. Reef a couple of days ago) but I prefer reefs to wrecks, and it's hard to find a bad reef dive on Grand Cayman. You'll probably see more marine life on the reefs. In the past two days we saw sharks, eagle rays, turtles, puffers, lobster, and more types of fish than I could ever identify. And as others have recommended - and as I did on the several cruises I've done - do some research to find a local dive shop rather than the excursion outfit.

Some shops that do cruisers include

Cruise Ship Scuba Divers - Off The Wall Divers

Cruise Diving

Cruise Ship Diving Trips | Diving Trips Cruise Ships - Grand Cayman

Diving and Snorkeling for Cruise Ship Passengers
I did two reef dives with Lobster Pot Divers this past week in GC, one of which was next to the Kittiwake. Part of our group did the wreck and then a reef dive in a different location. Our two reef dive group, diving the Sand Chutes Reef, passed the Kittiwake twice while exploring the reef going to and from the dive boat, and I had the same negative reaction as I have had every other time that I have seen the wreck. Personally, I would not pass up any GC reef dive to spend a whole dive period on the wreck, and frankly do not understand the interest in it, but I know some divers like it. Perhaps many decades in the future, assuming we have not killed the ocean by then, the wreck would be of some interest to me if it is encrusted in coral, but by then my diving days, and perhaps I too, will be in the past.

By the way my dives with Lobster Pot were significantly less expensive than the ship's dive excursion, our reef/reef group had four divers and the wreck/reef group had three divers, and while the ship's dive excursion was cancelled, ours went as advertised.
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I have to concur with Altamira and mi000ke. Been to GC on 2 occasions in the last year. Do a deep reef dive followed by a shallow reef dive. The wreck devoid of life. Lobster Pot is certainly a good option. Another would be a very personalized experience with Brad at Cayman U Divers. Nobody knows the islands reefs better than Brad and he has a small and fast boat and doesn't take out more than 4-6 people at a time. Grand Cayman Scuba Diving with Cayman U Divers
I recommend the wreck. I love the reefs of GC, some of my favorites. If you do much diving you will see a lot of good reefs but there are not a lot of recreational wreck dives quite like the Kittiwake.
The Kittywake and the accompanying reef dive were the best dives our group did on GC. I'm not a fan of wrecks and didn't enter the wreck - I most definitely don't like overhead restrictions (someone treid to drown me when I was about 16 - but that's another story). THe Kittywake was OK but I loved the reef they took us to. I think it was the Oro Verde. Lots of fish, coral, sponges, and small nurse sharks.

Unfortunately the group I was with only dove from shore in the area of Devil's Grotto and Eden Rock. These areas get hammered by tons of cruise ship divers and are pretty devoid of fish and mostly dead rock. Lot's of posts on SB about those being the worst places to dive GC and that there are really spectacular sites elsewhere.
We've already established in another thread that your assessment of Eden Rock and Devil's Grotto are way off base...

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