Grand Cayman Dive Op Recommendations

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Plain old Texas
# of dives
200 - 499
Well the family will be going to grand Cayman the week of August 9th(through the 16th). Both my Dad and I are divers and are planning to do atleast 3 days worth of diving. (me probably more). What im looking for is some reccomendations of operators and dive sites( give me the good and the bad on all of them)

Some of the ops i have looked at.

Neptune Divers
Off the Wall
Fisheye (website is out of date and having problems)
Red Sail (way to expensive but the onsite op at the Westin)

Dive Sites

Dont have any research on these

Other items
Misc places to eat or do on the island.

Thanks in Advance

When we go back to Cayman, I'll no doubt dive with Treasure Island Divers again.
I really liked their operation. Their dock is right on 7mb, the boats were large and well laid out and the DMs were pretty easy going.
What we did was, we bought one of their unlimited dive packages for 3 days. The package includes a 2 tank AM dive, a 2 tank PM dive and on certain days a night dive. On a per dive basis, it is about the cheapest we found. And since the days do not have to be taken consecutively, we'd boat dive one day and the shore dive on our own the next. Worked well for us..
Now the bad, you will no doubt also hear about a break-in some time ago where some folks lost their equipment from the shop. Didn't worry me at all as I wasn't leaving my stuff there.
Just my 2 cents worth, Kev:wink:
If you can swing it, you should try try getting out to the East End for a day of diving. I told Drew Sailbum that you might hook up with his dive op for a day when you head down that way.

You can also call the Caymen Dive Lodge a day or so in advance and arrange to go out with them. They are top notch operation and I highly reccomend them! Our stay there was fantastic!

If you get out to the East End, a "must dive" is Snapper Hole. It is just outside the lagoon area in front of Morritts Resort and the Reef Resort. These two resorts are right next to each other and that is where Tortuga Divers is located (the dive op Drew Sailbum works for). Snapper Hole is truly an awe inspiring dive!

I will post my trip report in the Carribean section soon.
Go to the Caribbean section of the Travel area of this board. There's lots of recent threads regarding Grand Cayman.

Just dove with Ocean Frontiers in the East End - FANTASTIC operation! They have a courtesy shuttle to/from anywhere on the island. Great boats, great customer service, guided wall dives and guided shallow dives if desired (you don't even have to ask, they offer each time). They'll rinse and hang up your gear overnight in a secure area so it's all dry for the next day. They'll set up your gear for you before you arrive on the boat.
I mooned one of the Ocean Frontiers boats! :D

Apparently one of the CDL's DMs, Rico, always moons the Ocean Frontiers boats whenever he sees them out on the reef. Rico was off while we were down there so, on one of our outings, as an OF boat was pulling up to the mooring bouy while we were pulling off the site, the Captain and DM of our boat hollered to us divers, "Dang!..Rico isn't here... Quick!.. somebody moon the OF boat!" I asked," Really?.. you really want me to moon them?" They said,"Yes!" To which I responded by whistling really loud and then... :moon:

My wife must feel so proud to be married to me! :wink:
zag zag zag what are we going to do with you, but then again if you can wear pink fins you definately handle giving the moon.

Zag so did you dive with Drew or did you meet up with him? reason i ask is the Red Sail/Tortuga divers are one of the most expenisve ops on the island.

As for OF are they as good as everyone claims because thats op we are looking at since i hear about the west side the diving is bland because the reefs have been over done by divers for some many years. The one or two west side dives would be the wreck and then the statue by dive house.

as for snappers hole thanks for the 411
I met the famous Drew on my last trip to Grand Cayman in April.
And I met Casey the owner of Neptune Divers. I had pizza with both of them!
Both wonderful people, both different operations.
Casey takes 6 divers Max. She'll pretty much take you, where you want to go.
I don't know if Drew's Dive Op has the same freedom, and I believe they have to take a few more divers then 6.
Not that I think that is bad.
You can't go wrong with either of them ...
Have fun.
I didn't dive with Tortuga Divers. I just visited with Drew. He stopped by the lodge to chat for awhile. He's a really nice guy.

If you call or email the CDL, tell'em Johnny sent ya. I told Jim, the owner, I was going to recommend them to anyone who would listen. :)
Jim is a super nice guy and has a great thing going down there! All the staff treated us like we were old friends. I just can't say enough good things about them.
Tortuga Divers is now owned by Red Sail, which posts a $100 per two tank trip. Tortuga put this price into effect in December 2002. I have been told that the price has been moved back to $80 at Tortuga Divers via the Morritt's Owner's Forum (http:\\, even though the Tortuga website still shows $100.

former Texas Diver (Texins Dive Club)
Dove with Casey and Keith back in June. They run a great operation. Casey did an underwater video of two of our dives so that made it pretty awesome, as well.

They stick with the West side, but would highly recommend them. All of the people whom I dove with were returning clients so I think that speaks highly for them as well.

Did a night dive with them, too and it was great. Saw lots of marine life ( star fish, crabs, lobsters, etc).

If you dive with Neptune, tell Casey hi for me.

Wish I could afford to go back.....


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