As DiveGirl said argon is a subjective item to alot of people. My instructor will dive nothing else when doing research dives in 34-38 degree water. I myself have only used it once even tho I've got an argon setup and 13 cuft of it setting right next to me. That was in 46 degree water. I had previously been in 52 with air in the suit and the 46 w/argon was a lot warmer. tho neither was truly uncomfortable. This was based on 3 dives each day in these temps w/air temps between 35 and 50-55 respectively. Both days in my os hd pro with both sets undergarments. As for the leg issue while a good fit is desired I would be a little leery of too tight in this area with undergarments on and no air in the suit. If you don't know what I mean put the suit on, zip er up, squat, vent while squatting, then stand up and see just how tight it can get till you get a little air in the legs. Might have you singing soprano or even falsetto.