We dove the Mighty O today!!!
Saw a shark, porpoise, man of war, and a really, really, big ship. Dead tired. Checked into a hotel. It was a full day endeavor.
Well, that might be a short trip report, but I think Steve got most of it in there.
2 little comments to add to it -
1) LOTS of sea urchins, and a, I believe, trumpet fish.
2) In 2 dives I saw nowheres near the whole big ship! All I saw was the tower portion, used EAN 30, max depth of 121, so we didn't make it to the flight deck even.
3) pretty strong current on both dives. I expected some on the first as the tide was coming in still, but we should have been at slack tide on the second. Still strong current.
4) Not the greatest vis, maybe 30-40 feet for the first, a little better on the second, call it 40'.
5) LONG ride out on the boat, still a bit choppy, 2 to 3 foot waves with an occasional 4 footer. Calmed down more while we were out, down to 1 to 2 foot on the way back.
Long day.