The reality is that currents in Cayman are pretty rare, and generally mild if present at all. You are very unlikely to need the gloves for the purpose you stated. As was stated before, please don't try to put the DM in the position of taking money over following the law. In the worst case, that is bribery, and I think it is just wrong to consider doing it over something so insignificant as whether you can wear gloves in a place you don't really need to wear gloves. In all the time I have spent diving there over the cours of 5 week long trips, I have never experienced a current strong enough even have to fin too much against it, much less needing to hang on to a mooring line.
People in the US complain all the time about corruption in 3rd world countries and how slippery the laws are, yet you are willing to go to a modern country like the Caymans with the plan to bribe somebody to ignore the law. Not to mention that if other divers see you doing it, others will want to do it too, including those with less than stellar buoyancy skills. So you would be encouraging behavior that would be detrimental to the reef system. Sorry to go off on a rant, but the whole idea just rubs me the wrong way. Kinda helps us all earn the title of "ugly Americans"...
---------- Post added April 9th, 2012 at 05:19 PM ----------
BTW, I dive with surgical shears in my BC pocket and never have any issue from any DM.