Who can argue with 100 years of solid scientific consensus?
Date: Oct. 7, 1912
Publication: New York Times
Quote: Prof. Schmidt Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age
Comment: Still encroaching
Date: June 28, 1923
Publication: Los Angeles Times
Quote: The possibility of another Ice Age already having started is admitted by men of first rank in the scientific world, men specially qualified to speak.
Comment: Must be a slow starter.
Date: Aug. 9, 1923
Publication: Chicago Tribune
Quote: Scientist says Arctic ice will wipe out Canada
Comment: Still there last time we checked.
Date: December 1932
Publication: The Atlantic
Quote: We must be just teetering on an ice age which some relatively mild geologic action would be sufficient to start going.
Comment: Still teetering.
Date: Feb. 20, 1969
Publication: New York Times from Col. Bernt Bachen
Quote: The Arctic pack ice is thinning and that the ocean at the North Pole may become an open sea within a decade or two.
Comment: Santa still is safe.
Date: February 1974
Publication: Fortune magazine from Reid Bryson
Quote: There is very important climatic change going on right now It is something that, if it continues, will affect the whole human occupation of the earth like a billion people starving.
Comment: World population increased by 2.5 billion.
Date: March 1, 1975
Publication: Science News
Quote: The cooling since 1940 has been large enough and consistent enough that it will not soon be reversed, and we are unlikely to quickly regain the very extraordinary period of warmth that preceded it.
Comment: If not soon be reversed means reversed by the next decade, then yes.
Date: March 1, 1975
Publication: Science News
Quote: The temperature has already fallen back some 0.6 degrees, and shows no sign of reversal.
Comment: So much for climatologists reading the signs correctly.
Date: July-August 1975
Publication: International Wildlife
Quote: But the sense of the discoveries is that there is no reason why the ice age should not start in earnest in our lifetimes.
Comment: Theres still time.
Date: 1992
Publication: Al Gore, Earth in the Balance
Quote: About 10 million residents of Bangladesh will lose their homes and means of sustenance because of the rising sea level, due to global warming, in the next few decades.
Comment: While periodic monsoons still cause flooding, rising seas have not been a problem.
Date: Feb. 2, 2006
Publication: The Daily Telegraph
Quote: Billions will die, says Lovelock, who tells us that he is not normally a gloomy type. Human civilisation will be reduced to a broken rabble ruled by brutal warlords, and the plague-ridden remainder of the species will flee the cracked and broken earth to the Arctic, the last temperate spot, where a few breeding couples will survive.haha
great post. like i said earlier, the more we know, the more we have no idea. i know it is cliche, but quite fitting.:dancingsnoopy: