You don't need to know ahead of time, you don't need to know individual tissue deepest ceilings, just the deepest of all of them. When a particular tissue current ceiling is deeper than the previous deepest ceiling, you update your deepest ceiling, otherwise you don't. Ceilings for all tissues are directly comparable to each other (even though tensions are not).In a general dive, you don't know if you'll not have a ceiling deeper than the current deepest ceiling.
You don't need max tissue tensions to compute ceilings, only current tissue tensions are needed to calculate individual tissue ceilings. Even the deepest ceiling is only needed to anchor GF-Low. Max tissue tensions server no other function in the algorithm.How will you compute updated ceilings without the max tissue tensions (which you threw away when you left the bottom before you saw the barracuda and stopped ascending / possibly descended)?
If you are bellow your current deepest ceiling (GF-Low anchor), you need that deeper ceiling anyway to determine if it should be the new deepest ceiling. If you are above the current deepest ceiling, you will not generate a new deepest ceiling for any tissue.I suppose you could see where the current tensions intersect GFLow again, but that will typically give you deeper ceilings than had you kept the original max tensions.
You could use the previous per tissue max tension as a heuristic to reduce calculations on a per cycle basis, if you are throughput limited. But algorithmically, there is no need for per tissue max tensions.