Myself and Mrs Mares are very Happy
But what a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. Best man arrives at house to pick me up late. As he pulls up onto the sidewalk he rips his tyre to pieces Being every resoureful I remember my DIR traing and go straight for the Backup, I steel Mr Mares Car and he drives this.
2. we arrive 25 minutes late everybody, especially Mrs Mares are not amused.
3. Your not going to belive this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The photographer did'nt turn up :11: He went to the wrong address.
Anyway everybody at the registry office was running late so In the end it all turned out allright.
Mrs Mares looked Bloody Stunning
I,ll post a pic when I get them from the guests.
The reception was fantastic and a great night was had by all
Mrs Mares does indeed dive and we are of to the Hakura resort in the Maldives on Monday (24 dive pack prebooked)
I,ll post a review when we get back
Back in the 80's and before when you took your Basic Marriage Class it included all the benefits of these course, but since then they have tried to tone it down and split it up to reduce task loading on the newlyweds - the resulting attitude is then not to take these "supplemental" courses and just get by on the current watered down version - this has led to an increase in Divorce Court Illnesses (aka DCI) and the act of marriage to just a mere pastime where someone can easily walk into it and out of it. It gives a whole new meaning to Put Another Dollar In, although i hear divorces are getting cheaper these days.
Remember a marriage certificate is a license to learn, it doesnt mean you are a fully qualifed spouse - get the extra classes, over time you might find yourself in deep water, with limited vizibility of what is going on - or covered in poop, you might get narked off at each other, you might lose your sense of direction of the marriage, and of course if you dont get the advanced and rescue classes in you might not be able to handle these situations or rescue them when there are obvious signs of stress!! .
You guys and gals are great.
Don't know what else to say.....(going all soppy now)