Getting Married tommorow

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I'd better go back to remedial Spanish class. :439:
The Fur lined ones sound nice :eyebrow: whats spanish for "Fur lined" ;)
Er, um, piel alineado?

I know only the really important words and phrases, you know, for emergencies and stuff. :05:
and like this is not an emergency?

esta es mi luna de miel!! necesito un par de esposas alineadas de piel
urgentemente, por favor!!!
Mr Mares:
whats spanish for "Fur lined"

If I tell you, you are only going to have to re-write your speech, so we better get back on topic.

Have a great day tomorrow.
Oh, I just hope I'm not too late!! Run, man, run!!

Actually, May 22nd will be my 5th anniversary, and the past five have been the greatest of my life. I didn't know that life could include this much negotiating, arguing, sacrificing, learning to see things from more than one angle, learning, laughing, crying, loving; heck, I guess I'm just describing great LIVING.

Man, if the lady is the right one for you, jump in and get set for the time of your life. I am not going to warn you to be careful, I'm sure everyone you know already has. I truely wish you the best, as marriage to the right one is the best living I've ever done.
As a veteran of 31 years of wedding bliss....Congratulations! I wish you the same happiness we've had.
Go for it! It's just like hanging! After a while, you won't even notice!

25 years this year!

Good luck and lots of happiness!
Thing is if you do read this before tomorrow comes, remember to sing (in fake mockney accent):

I'm gettin marrid in tha mornin,
Ding-dong, tha bewls are gonna chime,
Puwl out tha stoppa, make it a whoppa,
But get me to tha church on time.

I've got to be vaere in tha mornin
Spruc'd up an lookin in my prvime
Gerls come an kiss me, show how yewl miss me
But get me to tha church on time

If I am dancin, roll up tha flaww
If I am whistlin, *whew* me out the door

For I'm getting marrid in tha mornin
Ding dong tha bewls are gonna chime
Kick up a rumpus, but don't lose tha compuss
And get me to tha church, get me to tha church
Be sure and get me to tha church on time

I'm gettin marrid in tha mornin
Ding dong the bells are gonna chime
Stock me or jail me, stamp me and maiwl me
But get me to tha church on time

I've got to be vaere in the mornin
Spruced up and lookin in my prvime
Some bloke who's ayble, lift up tha tayble
But get me to tha church on time

If I am flyin, then shoot me daawn
If I am wooin, get her out of taawn

For I'm getting marrid in tha mornin
Ding dong tha bewls are gonna chime
Feather and tar me, call out the awrmy
But get me to tha church, get me to tha church
Be sure and get me to tha church on time
For Gawd's sake get me to tha church on time

Can you tell i disliked mockney accents (think Jamie Oliver if you will) that was why there are so many mis-spellings in there - just try saying it mockney.
But even so, have fun in the morning - and get there on time ;)
One of the best scenes of the whole movie!

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