Yes, I have a diver who has been diving with us since I started my operation and has become a dear friend. Several years ago, maybe 10 or so - he wanted to dive the afternoon of arrival and I didn't have a boat going out so I set him up with another shop for the afternoon. That evening I called to make arrangements to pick up his gear and give him his pick-up time for the following day and his wife said he was in bad shape. Long story short, he had come up from his first dive with classic DCS symptoms but was told by the boat crew it was just seasickness. After his wife described what was going on, I told her to get him ready, I was going to pick him up. I called Dr. Piccolo and he was waiting for us - by the time we got him to the hospital, about 30 minutes later, it took three of us to carry him in because he couldn't walk. Cause of his DCS was determined to be dehydration and fatigue/stress from travel. People really underestimate how air travel dehydrates. Pair that with usually not much sleep and stress of getting ready for vacation in the days leading up to it - recipe for DCS.
My recommendation is now always to wait until the following day and make sure you're well rested and hydrated.