@jbjclj - I had not heard and I am SOOOO glad you made a full recovery, had such excellent care and can continue diving! I love Dr. Garcia and Dr. Dario - and I would (and have) put my life in either of their hands at any time!
@shadling - how is your wife today? Sounds like her hit was more than a simple cutaneous DCS - clearly there were some neurological symptoms as well based on what you've described which makes sense why she would need more treatment. Hoping the worst is over and she continues to recover and can get back to diving in time. Continued prayers for you both.
@Jayfarmlaw - as many here know, over the past 16 years, I've suffered Type II DCS 3 times, and 1 cutaneous DCS hit (very common in women and those with extra body fat or scar tissue) which did not require hyperbaric treatment, only a couple of hours of O2 in the hospital. Of the Type II, two were unexplained/ "undeserved" and one was from severe dehydration. I've been tested for PFO which was negative. My computer profiles were reviewed and examined by DAN, Dr. Piccolo and Dr. Gomez - but no real answers other than the dehydration in March 2011. Dr. Gomez is convinced there is something neurological going on with me - all three of my DCS II hits have been identical. I'm now limited to ONE dive per week, max 50/60 feet/45 minutes on 36% and only if I check off a bunch of boxes with a pre-dive self exam. But I am grateful for that and I'm grateful for all of the dives I've had the fortune and privilege of having under my belt here and around the world! AS I've often been told jokingly - but truth - "the only way to guarantee you wont get "hit" is either not to dive, or not to come up." We can do the same dive under the same conditions 10 times and with another person - and we can get hit on the 11th time and our dive buddy will be fine.
@Diver below 83 - Based on my observations over the last 17 years of being an Instructor and owning my operation, I'd say MOST cases of DCS in Cozumel are from dehydration. People don't take the intensity of the sun seriously here, they overindulge in alcohol and don't hydrate properly. We also have a very large number of divers in the water on any given day, so statistically, we aren't doing too bad.