Here is a translation of notes taken from the meeting yesterday. I highlighted in blue the part that is of interest to us. Bear with me, this is very rough translation:
The decree to send the special regulation for the qualification and control of the residence in Galápagos was signed yesterday by president Rafael Correa. It was in an extraordinary session of the National Institute Galápagos (Ingala), in the island Santa Cruz.
The objective of the decree is to establish the procedures of qualification and control of entrance and calls to account of the people who are transferred to the islands or permanezcanen they; as well as to establish the minimum contents of entrance cards and the membership cards of residence, and other procedures.
The President was with the ministers of Economy, the Faustus Ortiz; of Tourism, Maria Rescuing Isabel; of Defense, Lorena Escudero; of Atmosphere, Ana Albán, and of Social welfare, Jeanette Sanchez. The meeting was made next to the other members of the Ingala, recently posesionado governor of Galápagos, Eliécer Cruz; the mayors of Isabela, Santa Cruz and San Cristóbal; delegates of the Ingala, the foundation Charles Darwin, fishing sector, the tourist operators.
Correa emphasized that the actions of the Government in Galápagos do not obey to international resolutions, making reference to the decision of June last of the United Nations for the Education, Science and the Culture (UNESCO), to locate to Galápagos in the List of Patrimony in Danger. "We are here fulfilling not with which it says the international bureaucracy, foreign far from it, we are fulfilling our convictions and responsibilities".
Nevertheless, the immigration - that is tried to regulate is one of the reasons that UNESCO for the declaration mentioned, like the invasive species, a subject that also was in the meeting yesterday.
Representatives of the National Park Galápagos (png) exposed the plan for the control of introduced species, that was approved unanimously. That plan is complemented with a resolution control air traffic. All the airplanes that go to Galápagos must stop first in an airport of the continent to be inspected.
The President supported the proposal of which the tourist operators continue until December with the activity of Diving, prohibited by the png, so that they can fulfill the commitments acquired and the businesses do not break. That caused the reaction of the fishing sector, that defended the impossibility to exert two activities.
Finally a consensus was managed to accept the prorogation until December, and the authorities emit new tourist patents from January, giving priority to the fishermen.
The political endorsement that gave the President to the Ingala marked the day. It endorsed the Governor, who presides over the advice of the Ingala, said that the Government tries to rescue that organism. "Nobody did case to him to the Ingala, now are going to him to make case", maintained the President.
Balance of the fishing
The National Park Galápagos presented/displayed yesterday the report on the fishing of the cucumber of sea. During the 50 days considered by the Interinstitutional Authority de Manejo fished 1 254 735 of individuals in the Marine Reserve.
n the 446 embarcacionesb authorized to fish single 160 participated in the capture of the species. Also 436 fishermen.
Png: 1.25 million cucumbers of sea in Galápagos were captured More than 1.25 million cucumbers of sea were captured in the marine reserve of the Ecuadorian archipelago of Galápagos during the period allowed for it, informed the National Park Galápagos today (png).
The cucumbers of sea are equinodermos of the family of holoturias, whose fishing is regulated due to its shortage.
The png informed in an official notice into which 12,508 cucumbers of sea were seized which they did not have the minimum stature of capture, of which 9,973 were in fresh state, reason why were given back to the sea by guardaparques and personnel of the Navy.
In the 446 boats authorized to fish only 160 they participated in the capture of the cucumber of sea and of the 1,021 fishermen registered in the png, only 436 were dedicated to this task.
Pesquería of cucumber of sea, of the Isostichopus species fuscus, lasted fifty days followed, as soon as the Interinstitutional Authority de Manejo raised the existing prohibition.
In Galápagos 36 species of holoturias exist.
The cucumbers of sea are animals extended and cylindrical of color coffee in the dorsal and yellowish part in the belly, that acts in the cycle of the marine water like purifiers of certain nutrients of the sand of the bottoms.
The Galápagos islands, located to about thousand kilometers of the Ecuadorian continental coasts, were declared in 1978 Natural Patrimony of the Humanity by the United Nations for the Education, Science and the Culture (UNESCO).
What does this mean? My dive shop has asked for my passport number, DAN insurance number, number of dives, last time diving and if I want to dive Nitrox.
I'm cautiously optimistic I'll get to dive in Galapagos.