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It's difficult to tell from the story, as there are not really too many details other than she got tangled in thick kelp. Without knowing much about her background, training, and experience, it is difficult to asses what went wrong. I'd be willing to bet she panicked, which made things worse.

Very sad. I wonder why they didn't descend together? Condolences to her family and friends...
Lack of buddy awareness, panic.

However, the coroner will cite “drowning” to let everyone feel warm and fuzzy about all of their training and experience…

... done is done... No need to analyze things, it won't make it an better. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends...

Kayla once bubbled...
... done is done... No need to analyze things, it won't make it an better. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends...


I disagree with all my being!

Three divers seperated before she reaches 5 ft of depth!

One? goes back up to look for her? While the other does what?

The second goes up? He releases her weights and blows up her bc while she is tangled. Well that should tighten things up really well. Anyway she knockes his mask off and he needs to surface to breath?

Heck at 5 ft she had enough gas for a week. She could have waited for some one with some brains to happen by.

I think they should add a line in the OW manual that tells people that ascents and descents are among the times when there are most likely to be problems and that's when divers need to be the MOST alert.

I too feel horrible for the family.

I feel horrible for all the other divers who are going to die because of such blatant stupidity and incompetance.

I also feel horrible for those of you who don't read this stuff and feel slaped in the face with the glaringly obvious issues

Yes what's done is done and we're going to keep doing it aren't we? What will make it better? or don't we want to?

Holly molly!
If the story is accurately portrayed, then...
but they never are...
The only thing certain about an accident reported in the newspaper - especially a Scuba or Aviation accident - is that what is reported and the truth ain't the same. Ever.
Therefore, while we can say (as Mike has) that if the story is accurate then we have the unskilled led by the incompetent doing the wrong thing at the wrong time resulting in a senseless fatality... that's a mighty, mighty big "if."
I think I'll wait to see if any more information surfaces from any reliable source before damning the entire industry.
As bad as it is to hear about these sorts of stories, I always find it is a bit of a wake up call so as not to take anything in this sport for granted. I feel bad that this has to happen at all, but if there can be something learned from the mistakes from others that would help to prevent similar tragedies from occuring, then at least something positive has come out of something so wrong.

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