To answer your question (not sure if it was rhetorical ): I was speaking about Houston serving as hub for flights serving Latin America in general and Mexico specifically (but not Cozumel specifically ). Obviously a bunch of people in Texas with family and/or business ties to Mexico and vice versa
With regards to why do Texans go to Cozumel—-Texas obviously has a lot of coastline, but Cancun/Cozumel is probably our closest major blue water beach and diving destination. Flight from Houston usually runs right around 2 hours. Yes Texas has rig diving and a non-luxury weekend liveaboard to the Flower Gardens but not much that resembles a postcard-worthy tropical beach/diving destination.
I also suspect the Texas Cozumel tourist traffic has less seasonality than northerners who flee the Northern cold in winter but have less interest in the Cozumel summer heat (who can blame you guys ). Texans like Cozumel in winter but are also about the only tourists who can tolerate July-Sept Cozumel heat without complaining relentlessly (we still complain, just not relentlessly since it is probably hotter back in Texas )