Friday, November 28th After Thanksgiving Dive

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Reaction score
Yorba Linda, CA
# of dives
50 - 99
Anyone want to head out for a dive on Friday?

I was thinking possibly Laguna, maybe deadman's reef or even Malibu.

Let me know, I have the day off work!
A guy from Monterey is going to be in Laguna for Thanksgiving and is interested in getting some dives in (link). I'd be interested as well. I've never dived Deadman's but have wanted to. If you're planning a dive for sure, let me know and I'll be there! :D
Anyone want to head out for a dive on Friday?

I was thinking possibly Laguna, maybe deadman's reef or even Malibu.

Let me know, I have the day off work!

I know Robert and John we planning on a night dive out there Friday, weather permitting. If I'm not congested which seems doubtful I'm totally there. Deadman's is definitely one of my favorite spots, only been there twice though.

Hey Bryan, I'm 90 percent sure that I can make it,I won't know for sure until tomorrow. I'll watch here to see where you guys end up diving and I'll make it if I can.
I'm interested, but man I was at the beach an hour ago and the water looks naaaaasty, but the surf forecast for Friday is promising.
How far is the surface swim to deadmans?
I'm sure the picture is not to scale, but you can get an idea of the layout here (picture about half way down the page).

I'll keep an eye on the swell model and surf predictions....hopefully things will calm down by Friday!
How do you think it got the name Deadman's?


Maybe this one isn't for me.
Maybe this one isn't for me.

You know it's really not that bad. There's usually little to no surf, surge, or current which makes for a really pleasant back stroke. It also gives you a really nice long u/w route back to the beach which is interesting the entire way. I'd dive that site 3x a week if I lived out there, it's that amazing.


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