Hey guys,
@lexvil and
What do you think of a casted solid lead block with 11” center attachment points recessed to allow for nuts.
Cast it with the curve to follow the plate and a concave outer surface for the tank and thicker at the bottom to keep the angle. Bolt it on over the wing. Think it would work?
I think that would work. I would make sure to made the recessed points big enough to allow for wing nuts, if the user wanted to. Probably with a lock washer.
The only thing I would be concerned about is if the lead would be soft enough to eventually deform from having a tank strap pulling a tank really hard against it. I'm not saying it would. I don't know. I just know that lead is supposed to be softer than steel.
What about, instead of replacing the tank rail with a solid lead version, you just cast a big weight to fit between the plate and tank rail. It would have indents to line up with the rails and the cross piece in the rails that would hold it captured in place once the tank rail is bolted on.
Another option might be to focus on putting weight on either side of the center of the plate - in that area of the wing's center panel that doesn't have bladder. One example: If you had a thing like this Soft STA:
OMS Soft Stabilizing Adapter
But, where it has the two side rolls, you took those out and replaced whatever is there with lead rods, instead.
Or, going back to the earlier idea, what about casting a lead weight that fills up the space under the center rail and then just sticks up higher on the outside sides of the rail. It could be pretty wide, and the center rail would hold it in place. The bottom of it could even curve up away from the plate, to keep it from holding the wing down flat to the plate in the middle. Sort of like it's cradling your tank. You could probably get 8 - 10# of lead in there that way, if you wanted a weight that heavy.