Free flowing octopus

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Reaction score
South Korea
# of dives
100 - 199
I purchased a Mares alternate air source only about 5 months ago in Korea, where I live. I'm now in Thailand doing my Divemaster course and it keeps freeflowing. I don't have any of the sales receipts with me (didn't think it would break after only 5 months). How/where can I get warranty coverage? I'm in the Similans.
Which model octo is it?

I expect you'll get an official answer fairly soon, but until then you should know the problem is more likely a "tuning" issue rather than the octo being "broken".

Does it freeflow on the surface before you enter the water, or only in the water? Can you stop the freeflow by turning the octo mouthpiece-down in the water (many regs will freeflow when out of the divers mouth, especially on the surface, octos should be tuned to help prevent this, but it can still happen)?

If it is a tuning problem, the "fix" is simple and should take a technician just a few minutes to perform.

Good luck.
It used to just slowly leak air, under water. Once I turned it over, it was fine. On the last dive though, the purge button kept depressing/getting stuck without me touching it, even on the surface. Just a tiny amount, like 1/2 cm but it was enough so that here was a slow hiss of air that was audible on the surface and then just a steady stream of free flow under the water.
It used to just slowly leak air, under water. Once I turned it over, it was fine. On the last dive though, the purge button kept depressing/getting stuck without me touching it, even on the surface. Just a tiny amount, like 1/2 cm but it was enough so that here was a slow hiss of air that was audible on the surface and then just a steady stream of free flow under the water.

It's a Proton Octopus (I think!)
It sounds like your LP seat has taken a bit of a set (perfectly normal) and no longer seals as well as it should. It should be a very simple adjustment that can be done in just a couple minutes. It is something that many divers can do themselves if you are interested.
It sounds like your LP seat has taken a bit of a set (perfectly normal) and no longer seals as well as it should. It should be a very simple adjustment that can be done in just a couple minutes. It is something that many divers can do themselves if you are interested.


This should be an easy fix. Even if you don't have a Mares shop near your, any tech can probably help you. The Proton is a simple 2nd stage, and any tech should be able to tune it.

Good luck.
I am quite sure this is a simple adjustment needed. Please take to an authorized Mares dealer and they should be able to quickly get you back to diving. If you are really not sure of a Mares authorized dealer, contact me via PM. and I will set you up with the appropriate regional manager.

It sounds like your LP seat has taken a bit of a set (perfectly normal) and no longer seals as well as it should. It should be a very simple adjustment that can be done in just a couple minutes. It is something that many divers can do themselves if you are interested.

Any place with step-by-step instructions? I'd have all the tools in the shop.
Any place with step-by-step instructions? I'd have all the tools in the shop.

Maybe somebody will come along with them but I don't have them. Most classic downstream 2nds have an adjustable orifices which makes such adjustments a snap but it looks like the Proton has a fixed orifice and must be disassembled a bit more for adjustment of the demand lever lock nut If you PM me an email address, I do have a document that shows a cutaway of the proton.
I will not to do it over the internet.

The adjustment is very simple and fast for a tech to perform (there is an adjustable orifice in the Proton, the manual confusingly calls it a "seat connector"), and tuning is easy to perform once you understand what you are doing, but until you have that understanding this is best left to a tech.

The octo does need to be inspected to make sure it is just a "tuning" problem (which it almost certainly is), and not a worn soft seat, 1st stage with too-high intermediate pressure, etc. None of this is complicated, but let a tech do it until you have the knowledge to do it yourself.

As already stated by Zak, the safest and least frustrating route will be to take your reg to a tech.

Good luck.

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