I am not here to be contrarian. Anyone who has read my comments over the years probably has noticed that I try to be a voice of civility in forums like this (less so in the pub). I think you have it backwards, constructive comments can be negative. I am not here to defend anything depicted in the video, but, the commentary on light selection isn’t particularly off. Where did the background video come from? I have no idea. Was the narrator the one standing on the coral? Probably not. Would I chase a moray eel around for 8 minutes? Nope.
Have I seen crap videos on ScubaBoard? Absolutely, hell, I‘ve posted a few myself. As a content producer, I may spend a couple of hours reviewing video to splice together 2 or 3 minutes of video to share. A couple years ago some poor schmo posted a wreck dive video be shot during a class. It turned into page after page of bashing the instructor, who I don’t think even appeared in the video. The OP never posted again after the first day of negative comments.
The producer of this video does not deserve a public flogging. A) He wasn’t hawking anything. He wasn’t asking for business beyond mentioning his credentials. B) If you flame him in the Basic Forum, you are basically announcing flaming novice content producers is okay here. It’s not. The OP is obviously learning to make videos and posting them here is fair. I looked at a couple of his other videos, one was a perfectly reasonable review of a camera housing. If you don’t like this guy’s videos, feel free to not click on them. If you think you saw something transgressive, you can send him a PM and suggest and edit. You can post your concerns, but there is another person on the other end, receiving the message. Show them some consideration.
A recurring topic on ScubaBoard is why are divers not sticking with the sport. I know plenty of divers who avoid ScubaBoard because of the toxic “my way or the highway“ attitude about criticism. Correcting the errors committed in this video won’t occur if people stop reading and posting because there is a dog pile on every mistake.
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