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Last week was a pretty easy one to pick, which is why I did well, I guess...

This week, however, has a lot of "iffy" games...

I lost the office pool by one game, after another guy here picked ALL of them correctly...:(

We had four people in one of my MSN Football Communities go 14-0... :11:
This week, however, has a lot of "iffy" games...

My experience this year is that they are all pretty much iffy games unless you pick Tampa, Miami or Detroit.... hmmm Irony- I-75 and US-41 are northern most in MI, go through Detroit and down hill eventually to FL, through Tampa, then ending in Miami... Poopoo really does roll down hill :)
I-75 also passes through Cincinnati and Atlanta.

Now, the Falcons may have been the only thing stinking up the Superdome a couple weeks back (a nice change, btw), but those two must have built some serious poopoo aqueducts this year :wink:
I-75 also passes through Cincinnati and Atlanta.

Now, the Falcons may have been the only thing stinking up the Superdome a couple weeks back (a nice change, btw), but those two must have built some serious poopoo aqueducts this year :wink:
:rofl: definitely some serious poopoo aqueducts around those cities.... could be they just used the aqueducts as a means to add to it.... thus its got a triple shot down this way!
My experience this year is that they are all pretty much iffy games unless you pick Tampa, Miami or Detroit.... hmmm Irony- I-75 and US-41 are northern most in MI, go through Detroit and down hill eventually to FL, through Tampa, then ending in Miami... Poopoo really does roll down hill :)

I have a whole "PooPoo"-load of road time on both of those highways ..... i should be doing much better on my picks. :wink:

Tough crowd so far this year. Keeps going like this and I'll be happy to be in the top 50%.
Tough crowd so far this year. Keeps going like this and I'll be happy to be in the top 50%.

LOL -- It's a tough crowd EVERY year, Jon. We've got some damn good prognosticators on Scubaboard.
LOL -- It's a tough crowd EVERY year, Jon. We've got some damn good prognosticators on Scubaboard.

Isn't that the truth. But the fat lady ain't sung yet. She might be whispering a bit but she ain't singing.
Isn't that the truth. But the fat lady ain't sung yet. She might be whispering a bit but she ain't singing.

If the Lions win this weekend, the Aria will have been sung... :D
Thank God the Saints beat the Eagles.

If they hadn't, I might be upset about sucking out with the picks this week :D

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