My frog kick is good and efficient when I wear neoprene booties with wet suite and OMS slipstream fins. However when I dive with my DUI drysuite with turbo soles, my feet rotate inside the bootie during frog kick, so the kick is inefficient. I tried putting on an extra pair of undergarment socks to have feet tight in splitstreams pockets, but that made little difference. Did anyone experience similar issue? I am wondering where is the problem and what should I change: my frog kick technique, fins, or remove turbo soles and switch to rock boots.
That really leaves me wondering if your fins are simply too large. I thought my first set of fins were the right size for me for a long time. But, they did have a little gap on each side of my foot that would allow some side to side twisting in some circumstances. I finally got a size smaller of the same fin and they were perfect.
Now, I regularly use 3 different sets of fins, in 2 different size, from 2 different brands. What I use depends on whether I'm diving wet or dry and back mount single tank, doubles, side mount, or CCR. I use something like 4 different pairs of booties, of at least 3 different brands and 3 different sizes. And in all cases, the fins fit on my feet where they are snug side to side, so there is no real chance of side to side twisting.
My impression is that some people evaluate the size of their fins based on length (of the foot and foot pocket). I certainly did that when I started diving. I have since decided that the better way to judge fin size is the width of the foot pocket, not the length. If the width/height of the foot pocket is nice and snug when you slide it on your foot and up to where you want it to sit, then the length is likely to be just fine. If not, then that particular brand just might not have a foot pocket that is right for you and you might need to look for a different brand with a different foot pocket shape.
Also, I agree with the posts regarding using socks on a drysuit rather than attached boots. I'm not saying you need to change your drysuit. But, if you do decide to change it, I would at least give some serious consideration to using a compressed neoprene sock, instead of a boot. I've had 2 drysuits with boots and 2 with socks. I like the socks way better. I also REALLY like the NRS Paddle Wetshoes booties to wear over the drysuit socks. They have them at REI for $55 and probably other kayaking places, too.