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Watched a nube jump in with no fins. The DM was turned away for a minute helping another diver. She just walked up real easy like she was going to get the mail and dropped in. Oops!
I've done that.
I had to pee really badly and needed to get into the water. I knew immediately that I had done it as I stepped off and saw that my foot was only it's normal size. I went in in a fit of giggles.
my favorite one was watching a newbie go down with their snorkel in mouth instead of their regs.... :laughing:

You've seen me! :D
I've done a dive without fins, but as we were bug hunting in very isolated rocks I didn't miss them much. :wink:

I once saw a fellow shoot at a shadow in the murk on an oil rig trip. This is normally a bad idea even off the rigs as target identification is important to a proper kill shot! On the rigs where the fish may outweigh you it's practically suicidal! Turns out this tyro had shot a large tuna, in the tail. When the fish reached the end of the cable a few milliseconds later the diver tried to brake the fish with a single hand grip on the gun while suspended in open water. That arm got about 8" longer before the fish ripped the gun out of his hand. We got his shoulder back in socket about 20 minutes later, but the fool sat in a corner and whimpered for the rest of the day as we worked our way in from 70 miles out. At that it was better than all the screaming he had been doing earlier. :(

Stopped a guest at 100+ feet from going any deeper off Big Drop Off in Palau. After the dive, back on the boat he told me "I wanted to see how deep I could go". Well you can go clear to the bottom (2000+ feet). The ascent will be a little more difficult.

I would welcome a separate 'Captian Missile' thread. But I don't think I would start it or advocate anyone really trying to compete. I think it is the sort of screw-up that has its results judged by those on the surface lucky enough to see someone break the surface like a submarine blowing its ballast tanks.
Silly more than foolish...I can sometimes be found doing sommersualts and such at 70-80' the little kid in me comes out and I just can't resist. :eyebrow:
I saw a diver in Roatan come up with a mask full of blood several dives in a row. After the first time, I overheard him tell another diver, "It's okay, that happens every time I dive."
Hey i have seen that as well. There is a woman who always comes up with blood in her mask. I thought she was embolising when i first seen it but all the other instructors tell me that always happens. I told her to see the doc, she didnt see the need
I would welcome a separate 'Captian Missile' thread. But I don't think I would start it or advocate anyone really trying to compete. I think it is the sort of screw-up that has its results judged by those on the surface lucky enough to see someone break the surface like a submarine blowing its ballast tanks.
I havnt seen it but a mate was telling me he went diving this this joker who when he ran out of air, used to take his BCD off and send it to the surface, then carry on diving for as long as he could hold his breath then rocket to the surface.
Darwinism is alive and well...

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