MHK: "DAN recommends 12 hours, down from their previous recommendation of 24 hours. On almost any given weekend I can be found getting out of the water and rushing to an airport, often times with my hair and my gear still dripping wet and that is often times after very deep and lengthy decompression dives, so I wouldn't worry too much about doing a few recreational dives and jumping on a puddle jumper..." [/QUOTE]
James, et al,
I would guess, from the strength of your response that MHK is a good friend of yours. I do not know him, and, without meaning to be nasty, because I don't know him, it matters not to me whether or not he gets sued. I would hope that he does not.
If he jumps out of the water from deep and lengthy decompression dives, and goes flying with his hair still wet and gets away with it to this point, hey, more power to him.
But IF, (and please make note of that caveat), these ARE his words as related above, then he is being COMPLETELY irresponsible. Such advice flies in the face of current procedure, and certainly in the face of common sense!
If those are, in fact, his words of advice, he does not stand a chance in bloody Hell in Civil Court these days. When you can be awarded a massive judgement for ordering hot coffee, and then spilling it on yourself, what chance would he have to defend himself against a suit for physical damage and mental anguish caused by someone following his advice???
Think about it!!! =-)