Flower Gardens Bent Diver

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Reaction score
Houston, TX
# of dives
100 - 199
I saw in the news that there was a diver evacuated from the Flower Gardens suffering from DCS.

Does anyone have any idea what happened and what the status is?

I hope it is a bogus rumor.

If it is not...I feel so bad. I hope th divr is OK with only a skin rash on the hands...please please please please please let it be very minor or just a rumor.
i haven't heard anything

of course, that doesn't mean anything
From the Fling, eh? Wonder if he was on Air or Nitrox? Good the diver recovered well. I guess everyone is going to blame age. Pretty difficult to get bent on Nitrox with a 2-1/2 hour minimum SI, but of course - can happen.
Pretty difficult to get bent on Nitrox with a 2-1/2 hour minimum SI, but of course - can happen.


Doing something like a rapid ascent could easily get you bent no matter what you are breathing.
I saw in the news that there was a diver evacuated from the Flower Gardens suffering from DCS.

Does anyone have any idea what happened and what the status is?


Want to hear the goodies on this....we head out Wednesday of this coming week.........
Its always possible especially with the continuous days of diving you do.
I went out on the Fling to the Gardens last year & they run a very tight operation, I believe they are a bit over conservative if anything.
They put a depth limit on each dive & if you break it you sit out the next dive. I broke the bottom by 3 feet & had to sit, hey I knew the rules & was man enough to take the consequences. Another diver broke the bottom by 1 ft & he also sat a dive.
I found out later that on 2 of the 3 trips before ours someone needed to be evacuated off the boat.
The Gardens are an amazing place & I wouldn't hesitate to go again & would be on the Fling if I do.
Just got back from 3 days on the Spree - all Nitrox. :wink: Capt Frank runs a tight but friendly boat - even tho his toenails were the same color as his hair, great crew, great safety. Rough trip though, lots of rock & roll on the boat, lots of current.

I don't guess we're likely to get more info on this fellow; glad he's ok...
If I recall, this is the second Flower Garden medevac this year. I wonder how often this stuff happens.

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